Michael Scott (AKA one of TV's greatest characters of all time) understands work, people, and life in a frighteningly accurate way. My fellow college students understand that this point in the semester is comprised of a few emotions: including but not limited to fall adventure fever, studying apathy, lack of sleep emotional breakdowns, disdain toward professors, and confusion as to why we do this thing called "college" in the first place.
Don't worry, friends. Michael Scott gets it.
1. Procrastination
2. Diminishing Bank Account
3. B.S-ing Papers
4. Annoying Roommates
5. Homework
6. Finals Week
7. FOMO - Fear of Missing Out
8. Parents' Expectations
9. Job Search
10. Group Projects
11. Break-Ups
12. Social Media Distractions
13. Increasing Stress
14. The Belief You Are Invincible
15. Professors' Constant Reminders of Due Dates
16. Lack of Sleep
17. Partying Instead of Studying
18. Weight Gain
19. Trying to Remain Relevant While Adulting
20. Sitting Through Lectures
21. Blocking Out the Haters
22. Traveling Addiction but No Money to Travel
23. Dealing with College Student Flakiness
24. Netflix Binging
25. Answering Questions about Post-College Plans
In reality, college is definitely the best time of our lives from what we can tell. There are a few struggles along the way, but we take them in stride and laugh them off until we succeed.
Thank you, Michael Scott. Thank you for teaching us how to survive this whirlwind of life called college.