24. "Slow Motion" by Charlotte Lawrence | The Odyssey Online
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25 Songs That Will Instantly Get You Into Your Feels

These songs will make you want to stare at the ceiling in your room for a while...

25 Songs That Will Instantly Get You Into Your Feels

Whether you're on Spotify or Apple Music, having playlists for every occasion is another way to keep all of your favorite songs organized while also making it easier to listen without having to skip songs.

I'm constantly adding new music to my playlists, but my personal favorite is my "sad" playlist. It's not necessarily my favorite because I'm always sad (which I'm not, for the record), but more so because the lyrics in each song hit a little different than most other songs.

Grab some tissues and prepare your ears, because they're about to be blessed.

(I apologize in advance for the abundance of 5SOS songs)

1. "always, i'll care" by Jeremy Zucker

Is it selfish not to be selfless / When all I can help is to open up?

2. "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol

If I lay here / If I just lay here / Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

3. "Close As Strangers" by 5 Seconds of Summer

Are we wasting time / Talking on a broken line?

4. "Dancing With Your Ghost" by Sasha Sloan

Yelling at the sky / Screaming at the world / Baby, why'd you go away? / I'm still your girl

5. "DNA" by Lia Marie Johnson

Hate to see you like a monster so I run and hide / Hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind?

6. "Don't Be A Fool" by Shawn Mendes

Don't waste your time / Tryin' to pull me in / 'Cause I'm just a mess / You don't want to fix

7. "Exhale" by Sabrina Carpenter

Who put the world on my back and not in my hands? / Just give me a chance

8. "Falling" by Harry Styles

What am I now? / What am I now? / What if I'm someone I don't want around?

9. "Ghost Of You" by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Another one, not sorry.

If I can dream long enough / You'd tell me I'd be just fine

10. "The Girl Who Cried Wolf" by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Yes, two 5SOS songs in a row!

So look at me in the eye / Is anyone there at all? / Is anyone there at all?

11. "Hard Sometimes" by Ruel

'Cause I feel like I'm not there / 'Cause my head is up somewhere / Far away from all my friends

12. "Heather" by Conan Gray

Why would you ever kiss me? / I'm not even half as pretty

13. "hate u love u" by Olivia O'Brien

All alone, I watch you watch her / Like she's the only girl you've ever seen / You don't care you never did / You don't give a damn about me

14. "i can't breathe" by Bea Miller

Now my body and mind are so different / Don't know how to escape from this prison

15. "I Don't Mean To" by Sabrina Claudio

Now you're slipping through my hands / And I'm trying to hold on

16. "If I Could Fly" by One Direction

For your eyes only. I'll show you my heart / For when you're lonely and forget who you are

17. "i love you" by Billie Eilish

Maybe we should just try / To tell ourselves a good lie / I didn't mean to make you cry

18. "Infinity" by One Direction

Yes, another One Direction song.

How many nights would it take to count the stars? / That's the time it would take to fix my heart

19. "Invisible" by 5 Seconds of Summer

Almost done with the 5SOS songs, I swear...

Who am I? / Who am I when I don't know myself?

20. "Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart" by Ariana Grande

I know I'm not your only / But at least I'm one / I heard a little love is better than none

21. "Lover Of Mine" by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Last one, I promise!

When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes / You're the only thing that I think I got right

22. "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" by The Script

'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me / And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be

23. "Remembering Sunday" by All Time Low

Forgive me, I'm trying to find / My calling, I'm calling at night

24. "Slow Motion" by Charlotte Lawrence

I wish that I could hate you, my baby / I wish that when I left, you'd've chased me

25. "Talking to the Moon" by Bruno Mars

My neighbors think I'm crazy / But they don't understand / You're all I have

If you want more music suggestions, follow my Spotify: @Nahe Valencia!

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