As humans, it is normal for us to overlook minute things that seemingly have no effect on our daily lives. We get so wrapped up in ourselves and the big things that we see as most important. Yes, focusing on the big things is important, but it is sometimes more important to stop and realize the small blessings and moments of joy that make up our daily routines. These small moments are the parts of our lives that truly make life beautiful. Here are just a few things that add a bit more beauty and happiness into everyday life.
1. That first smell of coffee/tea in the morning.
2. Reconnecting with a friend from the past.
3. Uncontrollable laughter.
4. Home videos from when you were little.
5. The moment you finally see someone you have missed.
6. A sincere "I love you."
7. Mornings you get to sleep in.
8. Finishing an amazing book.
9. Wearing your favorite article of clothing and feeling completely comfortable all day.
10. The song that comes on at the perfect moment and accurately describes your mood and state of mind.
11. Someone knowing you are upset without you having to say a word.
12. Weekends that feel longer than two days.
13. Work weeks that feel shorter than five days.
14. A pets unconditional love.
15. The smell of rain in the springtime.
16. A warm hug on a cold day.
17. Gifts you didn't expect to receive.
18. Hometown spots with a lot of nostalgia.
19. Eating freshly baked bread.
20. A smile from the person you love.
21. The first meal you have in your first dorm room/apartment/house.
22. Late night trips to iHop with your friends.
23. Getting a card/letter in the mail.
24. The lessons you have learned this year.
25. Everything you have yet to learn, but will.
Sometimes life gets so hectic and chaotic that we forget what the big moments in our lives are made up of. It's the small moments in between the hustle and bustle of trying to reach the finish line that make the race worth running at all.
So next time you find yourself overwhelmed with stress or your mind is so full of thoughts that you can't seem to think straight, take a moment. Take a single moment to look around and appreciate the small blessings. Smile at that stranger on the street. Forgive that person who wronged you in the past. Treat yourself to a self-care day.
Love the people who surround you, love yourself, and love this life. Be thankful.