Growing up in Carthage, Maine is unlike anything else. Having a population of less than 600 people, Carthage is a special place. I was born and raised in Carthage, and in my 20 years of living there, here are some of the signs that will prove you have lived in Carthage, Maine.
1. You never lock your doors
2. Duct tape solves all your problems
3. You refer to the onlyconvenient store as “The Carthage Store”
Even though it seems to be closed every other month.
4. You have a hard time finding time to go to the town office
Having random hours a couple of days a week makes it difficult.
5. Going “to town” is going to the next town over
6. You have to travel at least 20 minutes to get to the grocery store
7. Not to mention 10 minutes just to get some gas
8. The people you run into are probably a relative of some sort
9. That’s because you probably have one of the three last names people have in the town
10. Stop lights are an unfamiliar sight
11. And so are street lights
There are currently two street lights in the entire town.
12. Partying takes place in the middle of the woods around a fire
13. Seeing a moose on the way to work is expected
14. The moose was probably seen in “Moose Alley”
15. You remember the Blue Moose Campground and Store
16. How about the hayride they did every year?
17. You’ve been pulled behind a snowmobile on a sled
18. Your neighbors have played music for you while you are sitting outside
19. That’s if you even have neighbors in sight
20. You more than likely have a river behind your house
21. And you’ve bathed in that river multiple times
22. You’ve never quite understood the welcome sign
23. And know that the roads won’t be plowed well once you’ve passed it
24. You know who everyone is and where everyone lives
25. You’ve been raised with a great sense of community
Growing up in Carthage has influenced how I am as a person. While I may not reside there currently, Carthage, Maine will always be home to me.