19. Just because you perform very well in most of your classes does not mean you will or should get an A in every random general education course such as philosophy, chemistry, or calculus even if you try really hard. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

25 Reminders For Students With Grade Anxiety

Grade anxiety is real, here are some reminders to combat it.

25 Reminders For Students With Grade Anxiety

The college world of 2016 is a very competitive place, and it is easy to find yourself falling into a never-ending stress spiral of endless anxiety when you think about what marks will be on your transcript at the end of the semester. It is admirable and important to always try your best, but remember to be successful you do not pursue an impossible path of perfection. When thinking about grades gets you down in the dumps, take these 25 reminders into consideration:

1. A few bad grades are not the end of the world.

2. If you tried your best, then you should be proud of yourself.

3. Everyone makes mistakes.

4. Just because you get a low grade in one college course does not mean you will suck at your job.

5. Setting high goals for yourself is a great thing to do, but remember you are only human.

6. Some professors have an “I don't give anyone an A" mentality and sometimes you cannot do anything about that.

7. Your GPA is not correlative to how much you as a person are worth.

8. Procrastinating makes everything seem a lot worse than it actually is.

9. One or two W's on a transcript look better than a bunch of F's.

10. There is no shame in admitting you cannot understand something.

11. There is no shame in asking for help.

12. Talking to professors, going to office hours, and showing you care is extremely important and beneficial to you and your grade.

13. School is important, but so is your health, so make time to eat right.

14. And exercise.

15. And sleep.

16. And hang out with friends, having a social life is part of staying healthy too.

17. The quiet floors in the library are a blessing.

18. You study and complete homework way more effectively when you turn your phone off.

19. Just because you perform very well in most of your classes does not mean you will or should get an A in every random general education course such as philosophy, chemistry, or calculus even if you try really hard.

20. Don't neglect homework. It may be annoying and tedious but often it helps boost your grade and understanding of a concept.

21. Your parents want you to do well, but not as much as they want you to be well.

22. A's are above average. An A means you are doing better than you are expected to.

23. Don't look at anything as failure, look at it as feedback. It is a way of realizing you need to change your method in order to improve the next time around.

24. Believing you can do well is half the battle.

25. Bad grades do not mean you are stupid. They mean you are human. You are not meant to be perfect, even if you set that standard for yourself. So try not to get too upset but use it as a motivation to work towards success in the future. No one can truly measure your intelligence or your worth with something as silly as a letter.

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