Now that I'm home for the summer I can fully appreciate my lovely little dog once more. Here are some reasons why I love him so much. He can be a pain, but he's part of my family, and I wouldn't trade him for anything else!
1. Dogs are one of my most favorite things in the world.
My parents can tell you I've been in love with dogs since the very beginning. I got countless books on dog facts, watched dog shows- everything dog!
2. You're my dog.
I waited nearly 14 years for you, but it was all so worth it. I remember for the first week we brought you home I could hardly believe you were mine.
3. You make the most adorable faces.
Whether it's when you're begging for food, extremely tuckered out from a walk, or just being your silly self, you are quite the comedian.
4. Your little piggy noises you make when you're begging for food is precious.
With the cute little face and the piggy noises? It's pretty hard not to give you a treat...or two.
5. You're so soft.
Seriously, you feel like a fluffy little angel! I love to rub your ears, and I'm sure you like it too!
6. You don't mind chilling out.
You can be quite the lazy dog when you feel like it. You can fall asleep almost anywhere.
7. But when I'm up to it, you're always up for a walk or a match of tug-of-war.
When you're not sleeping, you have a TON of energy. Running around, barking at everything new you smell or hear. You're my little adventurer.
8. I love when you get peanut butter on your nose.
The incessant licking of your nose that ensues is just plain entertaining.
9. I love to hear your little pitter-patter of your paws on our hardwood floors.
I always know when you're near or headed my way.
10. I love how much you love our mom.
She gets annoyed by it, but when you follow her everywhere she goes, it's so darn cute.
11. I love when you ring the bell on our door when you need to go outside to do your business.
That's just so cute that we trained you to ring the bell when you want to go outside!
12. You're always ready to jump right into action.
Whether you hear someone opening a bag of chips in the kitchen, or hear someone yell after they've stubbed their toe, you're right there at the scene of the event.
13. Your snoring makes me laugh. It sounds like a little old man's snore.
Sometimes your snoring is so loud I can hear you all the way upstairs in my room! Dang it, dog!
14. I love when you have "puppy dreams".
The little movements of your feet and twitches of your nose; I'd like to imagine you're dreaming of chasing a rabbit.
15. I love when you're happy.
You don't have much of a tail, so when you are, your whole body makes up for it in wagging. Your whole butt wags when you're excited.
16. I love your smile.
When you open your mouth, sometimes the corners of your jaw turn up and it's the most precious thing.
17. Sometimes, for no reason at all, you will run around incessantly, and it's hilarious to watch.
I wonder what makes you so agitated or excited. The funniest times you act so wild is when you come in from outside when it's raining.
18. Your kisses always make me feel better.
Whether it's your goodnight kisses or your greeting kisses, they always bring a smile to my face.
19. You're very obedient and gentle when it comes to your food.
You never were aggressive about your food.
20. You are (for the most part) gentle with kids.
You gently sniff them and keep your mouth closed, watching them carefully with your big brown eyes.
21. You're a good source of heat in the winter.
If I can get you to settle down and cuddle with me, I don't really need a blanket.
22. You're a mischief-maker.
Most times you're a little turd, but also most times we just have to stop and laugh at the schemes you carry out.
23. Knowing I'm coming back to you is one of the best things.
If I had a bad time somewhere or I just plain miss you, knowing I am coming back to your sweet face is comforting.
24. Your excitement when I do come back to you is so wonderful.
Your butt wiggles and sloppy, happy kisses make my day.
25. You're the best four-legged companion a person can have.
Sure, you can be naughty sometimes, and your barking can drive me up a wall, but at the end of the day, you're mine and I wouldn't want any other dog.