- I wrote this article when I really should have been eating pizza.
- Cheese: need I say more?
- Drunk food.
- Hungover food.
- COLD PIZZA, YES. Still tastes like heaven even if you don't use the microwave.
- Finals suck. You know what doesn't? Pizza.
- I went to the gym 4 times this week. What's that you say? Pizza.
- I spent all my money down town yet, I need to eat. Michaelangelo's is that you? I'm coming for ya.
- Let's be real, I could type out solely "pizza" for numbers 10-25 and this article would still be accurate.
- You're starting to see Pizza as a print for apparel.
- I wasn't kidding.
- Anything goes when it comes to pizza. Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at supper time. When pizza's on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime.
- Instagram account: NOPIZZALEFTBEHIND
- Pizza could get more likes from a dude on Instagram than a sorority girl selfie.
- Pizza shows up to your doorstep at 2 am to be there for you.
- Pizza is like the lingua franca of foods. Everyone eats it.
- Pizza gets you. It knows what you want. It doesn't try to be anything else.
- The sole reason you made it to chapter on Sunday was because you read pizza party on the email. "What's that Karen? I couldn't hear your dumb grab-a-date idea over this delicious pepperoni pizza."
- I'm salivating writing this article just thinking of all the potential pizza combinations I could order. And now so are you.
- Speaking of which, pizza is the only thing that makes certain topping combinations acceptable. There's no such thing as a bad Pizza. Nope.
- Pizza is the type of girl you bring home to mom.
- You once ordered a whole pizza to yourself and ate it all. Okay, maybe twice.
- Your friends have gotten tired of you asking, "Will there be pizza?" everytime you hang out.
- You've had a staring contest with Domino's "Tracker" while you waited for 'Dave' to finish your freaking pizza already.
- Pizza is the best lunchables out there.
..... and on the 8th day, God created pizza.