Life in your 20s is a wonderful time.
You're finally free from your parents' tight leash (pun intended) and starting to discover who you are. However, not every night can be a wild adventure filled with a drunken story you'll discuss 20 years later. Some nights are just meant to be spent relaxing...but instead of being alone, why not have a companion with you? A fluffy, crazy, ball of fun companion, that is.
As many people know thanks to social media, today is National Puppy Day. Long story short, it's the day where Instagram junkies and take pictures of their furry friends and post them to social media. This day may only come once a year, but the love of a dog lasts a lifetime. People say having a dog in college is nuts, but honestly is it?
Meet Cooper, he's my year old Golden Retriever and honestly the biggest pain and joy in my life. A lot of people laugh at the idea of having an 83-pound dog living inside an apartment but he makes every day so much better. So many people out there already have dogs in college and are loving it. Having a dog in college is actually one of the smarter things a college kid can do. Seriously, Here are 25 reasons why everyone in their 20s should get a dog.
1. For starters...look at that face.
(Enough said right there)
2. Who needs school? After getting the dog you learn life's biggest lesson: responsibility.
3. They sleep almost half the day so you don't have to be worried about leaving them at home. And let's be real, naps with your pup are way better than naps with anyone else.
4. They teach you how to save and budget your money (food, toys, supplies, treats). It's like Finance 302, but for dog-lovers.
5.They keep you in shape since you have to walk them several times a day.
6. They are better wingmen...or women than any of your human friends.
7. They love being around other people, so a party is a fun place for them to roam.
8. Everyone loves dogs so you know they'll be welcome almost everywhere you go.
9. They are excellent listeners. They listen to the issues everyone else is tired of hearing, and never pass judgment on your questionable moralistic debates.
10. Treats are their kryptonite. Teaching them obedience is easier than you think.
11. They are perfect drinking buddies.
12. They love the outdoors, so they great for hunting and playing Frisbee on your quad.
13. They are great to grab and hug when you get dumped. Or any other time for that matter.
14. They grow up as you do, changing as the tides in your life change.
15. Celebrating their birthday is almost as exciting as celebrating your own.
16. They get you ready for kids...which should be a long ways away. But nonetheless, you are prepared for all things menacing.
17. They're the perfect excused to get out of that awful relationship.
18.They won't complain when you want to be fact they'll join you. Dog cuddles = the best cuddles.
19. No judgment is ever passed for the many problematic circumstances they witness, they are ALWAYS excited to see you.
20. They're perfect for asking someone a certain question.
21. Hell, if you're lucky enough, they might even be a part of the wedding.
22. They love playing with your kids.
23. They get more and more regal with age.
24. As that time begins to approach, you'll treasure every minute you have with them.
25. And when the time comes to finally say goodbye, you will realize the bond you have with something greater then yourself.
But most of have gained a life long friend with millions of memories that will last for a lifetime.
So to those pet owners in college who have already began the process of that bond, congrats on making the right decision.
And to those who haven't, what are you waiting for? Go out and make a friend for life.
Happy National Puppy Day!!