To the one who has never left my side, the one who puts up with all of my nonsense, the one who would travel millions of miles to make someone feel loved, the one I call my best friend, this one's for you. I listed 25 reasons why I can't live without you, but in reality there could be infinitely more. I love you endlessly and couldn't imagine my life without my other half, and this will remind you why.
1. You're my go-to workout pal, the one who will always shoot hoops or go for trail runs with me, and the person who makes my NARP status okay by making it up through intramural sports.
2. You're the person I will always split basil pesto hummus with... and well any type of hummus, especially if you just have your fork to scoop and eat it with.
3. You not only are one of the smartest people I know, but you teach me along the way and keep me focused even if I have the attention span of a thumb.
4. You always do your best to make people feel included, or just important; you're selflessness is admirable to all.
5. You make me laugh when I feel like I can't even smile, and you also find the same things funny as me... no matter how silly they are. (Like the grandma riding the banana dolphin)
6. You chase my drunk ass around when I'm going who knows where and most of the time catch me so I don't do anything too stupid.
7. You accept how weird I am and jump on the band wagon with the weirdness too. Thankfully we haven't scared each other away yet.
8. You keep my head on straight at work, especially when I get frustrated when living the loft life... I can always count on your face swaps with the mannequins to cheer me up during some stressful days.
9. You tell me when my grandma status is even too much for me to handle. You keep me young but still respect my old soul.
10. You are always honest with me even if I can't be with myself. And if you're not, you know I know so we can always be on the same page and call each other out on our crap.
11. You tolerate my love of the mornings even if you can't stand them yourself and need 27 cups of coffee to talk to me.
12. You have become accustomed to my most annoying habits and still have been patient with me... Sorry that I continue them but thanks for accepting that they're apart of me.
13. You deal with me being late all the time and have adapted to not being quite as pissed off as you were originally. (Again, sorry in advance for all the future times I am behind)
14. You're the dancer to my singer... even though we suck at both equally and will never take them seriously, we still are the top performers out there--no doubt about it.
15. You accept my moodiness and dramatic changes of emotions. You're on this roller coaster of feels with me and have belted yourself on the ride for good.
16. You let me borrow your things and don't ask for anything in return, except my leather skirt, which you basically own. But hey what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, and that will never change.
17. You never judge me for what I have done or what has happened to me, and you always have an open mind to hear what I have to say.
18. You give me rides everywhere and don't get upset when I talk about how you need to clean your car every time I step in your vehicle.
19. You are kind to everyone but also stand up for what you believe in, you never give up and I look up to you for your resilience.
20. You gave me a home when I had no where to go and not only gave me a place to stay, but welcomed me into your heart so I gained comfort, love, and support.
21. You pick me up when I'm down and when I don't feel like I have hope. You remind me of the future and the blessings it will bring.
22. You're not only beautiful on the outside, but your soul is too. You remind me every day to work on becoming a better person and to let that inner beauty shine.
23. You are the person who was sent from God to save me. I don't question that for a second and He brought you into my life for the better. I thank Him every day for pairing us up--we're not all that lucky to find someone we're meant to be with, but I was fortunate with you.
24. You saved my life and continue to every single day. You will always be my saving grace and I'm your healing hand. We will get through anything together.
25. You love me the way I am. What I see as flaws, you accept, and vice-versa. You deserve all the love, kindness, and positivity in the world and absolutely nothing less. You are my person, and I would never be the same without you.
With love, always and forever, your best friend