Scrubs- Cristina Yang
“Oh, screw beautiful, I’m brilliant. You wanna appease me, compliment my brain!” –Cristina Yang (Scrubs)
New Girl- Jessica Day
“You don’t like my style…that’s fine…but I’m not gonna change who I am. So you’re just gonna have to deal with it and respect it.” –Jessica Day (New Girl)
“I hope you like feminist rants cause that’s kinda my thing” –Jessica Day (New Girl)
Parks and Recreation- Leslie Knope
“You know my code, hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses. Ovaries before brovaries” –Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
“Winning is ever girl’s dream.” –Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
“Guys love it when you can show them you’re better than they are at something they love.” –Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
30 Rock- Liz Lemon
“Okay, fine, maybe I’m a little old-fashioned. I’m sorry I’m a real woman and not some over-sexed New York nympho like those sluts on Everybody Loves Raymond.” – Liz Lemon (30 Rock)
The Mindy Project- Mindy Lahiri
“I am not overweight. I fluctuate between chubby and curvy.” –Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project)
“It’s so weird, being my own role model.” –Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project)
“Who I have been is not who I’m going to be.” –Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project)
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- Kimmy Schmidt
“You can’t put a price tag on your self-respect” –Kimmy Schmidt (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
“But I survived, because that’s what women do. We eat a bag of dirt, pass it in a kiddie pool, and move on.” –Kimmy Schmidt (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
"Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? Replacing one stupid male authority figure with another? Like Days Of Our Lives replaces Roman Bradys.” –Kimmy Schmidt (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
The Simpsons- Lisa Simpson
"When I get married, I’m keeping my own name! (pauses) Wait, maybe that should be ‘if I choose to get married.’- Lisa Simpson (the Simpsons)
Daria- Daria Morgendorffer
Downton Abbey- Violet Crawley
“You’re a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do.” –Violet Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Gilmore Girls- Rory and Lorelai Gilmore
"It's my mother's name, too. She named me after herself. She was lying in the hospital thinking about how men name boys after themselves all the time, you know, so why couldn't women? She says her feminism just kind of took over. Though personally I think a lot of Demerol also went into that decision.”- Rory (Gilmore Girls)
Melissa and Joey- Mel Burke
"Who asked Joe to intervene? He thinks he has to rescue me? He thinks I can’t take care of myself?”–Mel Burke (Melissa and Joey)
Reign- Catherine de' Medici
“Why do you dismiss me? Because I'm a woman? I have a mind of my own.” –Catherine de' Medici (Reign)
Mad Men- Peggy Olsen
“If you don’t like what they’re saying, change the conversation.” –Peggy Olsen (Mad Men)
Madame Secretary- Elizabeth McCord
Bob's Burgers- Tina Belcher
“I don’t need a boy to pay attention to me. I’ll pay attention to myself.” –Tina Belcher (Bob’s Burgers)
Scandal- Olivia Pope
"I am not a toy that you can play with when you're bored or lonely or horny. I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of the movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me! Until then, we are done." –Olivia Pope (Scandal)
Boy Meets World- Topanga Lawrence
“You guys are all so hung up on your bodies. Come on, there’s a whole pizza here.”–Topanga (Boy Meets World)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Buffy Summers
"Strong is fighting. It’s hard and it’s painful and it’s every day. It’s what we have to do, and we can do it together, but if you’re too much of a coward for that, then burn." – Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)