The University of Central Florida is officially the largest public university in the United States, with just over 60,000 students enrolled. As with any massive institution, we students have a lot of questions that have yet to be answered. Here are a few:
1. When can I graduate?
2. Why are we the biggest school in America but have the least amount of parking space?
3. How can I get my friends to take as many good pictures of me as people take of the reflection pond?
4. Why’d you have to do that to Wackadoos?
5. How can I get properly treated for a severed arm without the Health Center telling me it’s just strep throat?
6. Why am I sweating outside but still have to wear a parka in the Student Union?
7. Can we get a dollar or two reduced from our tuition because of all the construction detours?
8. Where do you keep the students who stepped on Pegasus and didn’t graduate?
9. How do I travel through campus without being pancaked by longboarders? Or the golf carts?
10. If we can put a beach in the stadium, can we build a place for students to nap in in-between classes?
11. Seriously, when can I graduate?
12. What strain of marijuana were the architects that designed the math-science building’s restrooms on?
13. Why do we have 2 Barnes & Nobles on campus but not 1 Krispy Kreme?
14. What do the squirrels do when campus is closed? Are they okay?
15. Who made cumulative finals legal?
16. Can we just make an agreement to spell all forms of “night” as “knight?” I mean, we already do.
17. Why isn’t Spirit Splash day considered a school holiday?
18. Is there a perfume that smells like the fertilizer they use on the Memory Mall in case I need to get a guy away from me?
19. Why is our Football coach more ripped than most of the players?
20. Did we ever make another video as iconic as the 2013 Harlem Shake video?
21. Does any sane person think 7:30 classes are okay?
22. If we have to pay almost $100 to park on campus, can we at least get a shuttle to Disney?
23. When will other Florida schools realize we actually have the coolest mascot?
24. Does the SGA loan kayaks for when it rains on campus?
25. What do you mean I need one more class in order to graduate???
Through being bombarded in front of the Student Union on Wednesdays to constant detours due to the ever-continuing construction, we go through a lot as students. Classes are packed, food lines are long, and it's always hard to get a good picture with Knightro.
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Although we have a lot of questions that will probably never be answered, at the end of the day, UCF really is the best school. Don't be mistaken, although we experience a lot, we would never want to have it any other way.