- Don't see yourself through the eyes of those who do not value you. Understand just because someone desires you it does not mean that they value you. Far too often people like the idea of someone more than the reality of them. Know your worth even if they don't.
- Change your outlook on fitness to a positive one. Stop seeing it as a temporary fad, quick fix, or necessary burden. Exercising and adapting a healthier lifestyle transforms so much more than just your body, when done correctly it connects your mind, body and soul.
- Be open minded and appreciate other's opinions, but do not attach to them. When you give others the power to feed you, you also give them the power to starve you.
- Find a new passion, or if you already have one make time for it. Whether it's weightlifting, painting, dancing or reading comic books, taking time to do something that gives you an escape from reality is taking time to maintain your happiness and it gives you a healthy outlet for negative emotions.
- Learn the importance of self-love. It is almost impossible to have someone else love you when you do not love yourself. You end up depending on them for your happiness and when they leave, without realizing it, you have given them the power to destroy you. The more you believe that you are worth loving, the less time you'll waste on those who don't deserve you.
- Start and end everyday day with prayer. Take the time needed to build fulfilling spiritual relationships.
- Do small things to make others happy, especially the people who love you.
- Surround yourself with people who remind you that you matter and support you in ways that matter most to you.
- Focus on emanating your own positive frequency on the world instead of simply absorbing the frequency of others.
- Find a love and appreciation for learning, try new things, expand your knowledge,and broaden your understanding of the world around you. There is a difference between knowing a lot about something and understanding it, you can know everything there is to know about something, and yet still not understand it.
- As you broaden your understanding of the world around you, learn to experience it as well. You will be amazed at how enlightened you can become through understanding others rather than judging them, and how this dissipates anger, bitterness, and hatred.
- Let go of any resentment and negativity that you harbor in your heart.
- Eat more pizza, preferably cheesy pizza.
- Learn how to breathe. Find peace even in the most difficult situations and realize that your attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.
- Stand up for yourself, but learn how to do so in a way that exudes only the utmost class and maturity.
- Find dogs and love them. There's not much that can make you feel more loved than the love of a dog, and if you have the opportunity to bring one into your life, save theirs and rescue one from a shelter.
- Learn to recognize and avoid toxic situations. The second any 'relationship' makes you feel that your physical or mental health is at stake, it is toxic. There is nothing more haunting than feeling paralyzingly terrified of someone you love; and if you feel the need to constantly reach out and apologize or seek answers, understand there is a reason; and understand that reason is their manipulation.There is a reason they contact you every.single.time you seem to move on, only to abandon you once they have gained your comfort and trust,then demean, chastise and avoid your pain. Contacting or replying to them is only perpetuating the situation further, and no one deserves to constantly feel confused and brokenhearted. Entertaining a cycle like that can have devastating, lifelong effects and I guarantee you they couldn't care less.
- Learn how to be happy. Truly and genuinely happy, sometimes that requires taking steps to evaluate your mental health, and taking your mental health just as seriously as your physical is important. Mental trauma and illness should be discussed with the same candor as diabetes or broken limbs, and taken just as seriously. You owe it to yourself and those who care about you to take care of yourself physically and mentally.
- Forget the apple a day, live dangerously; eat tacos instead.
- Pick out a favorite species of dinosaur and own it, then watch The Land Before Time with a new-found appreciation for these creatures.
- Make enough time for sleep and self care.
- Selflessly love, but learn the difference between being selfless and being stupid. There are people who simply do not deserve the love that you have to give,and be keen as to the reasons why they do not deserve it.
- Learn how to decipher who the people in your life who genuinely love you are, and be incredibly thankful for them.
- Distinguish the importance and correlation of selflessness and selfishness. There are times you need to be selfless, and then there are times when it is absolutely necessary to be selfish. Sometimes you need to be selfish to take care of yourself so you can be the best possible version of you. What's the point of being “selfless” if you’re going to be bitter, exhausted or hateful while trying to so?
- Be grateful for something everyday. There are blessings to be found in even the worst days, sometimes finding them is only a matter of perspective.
Health and WellnessDec 31, 2016
25 New Years Resolutions for 20-somethings
Resolutions and realizations for personal growth and positivity