1. You start playing Christmas music long before December.
2. You decorate your home for Christmas in November, many times before Thanksgiving.
3. Let’s be honest, Thanksgiving is often just skipped a bit in your brain because you’re just so excited for Christmas.
4. Your tree is up by Black Friday at the latest.
5. You’ve seen every Christmas movie known to mankind.
6. You even watch them in the summer.
7. Christmas in July is your second favorite time of the year.
8. You live for ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas.
9. No matter what age you are, you will always leave milk and cookies out for Santa.
10. You participate in all Christmas festivities in your town.
11. Christmas cookies for days. #callmerachelray
12. You have Pinterest boards solely dedicated for everything Christmas related.
13. You genuinely get angry when people say Santa is not real
14. You have no shame when it comes to rocking some new Christmas pajamas.
15. You are most definitely that person who dresses your pet up for Christmas to get them in the holiday spirit
16. Every year for Halloween you consider being an elf, just so you can experience a little more Christmas.
17. You several Christmas stations on Pandora and Spotify.
18. And you do not reserve them for the month of December.
19. In fact, you limit yourself to a few hours of Christmas music a day beginning in October.
20. Come December 1st, you let the crazy loose and its Christmas everything for 25+ days.
21. But for you, Christmas really begins the day after Halloween.
22. You want to throw Christmas gifts around for everyone in your town, so everyone can share your excitement.
23. You have OCD --- Obsessive Christmas Disorder.
24. And don’t even getting me started on how you’re feeling December 26th... it’s a tough topic.
25. You fully experience PCD --- Post Christmas Depression