Halloween, for many, contains many childhood memories, particularly when it comes to trick or treating! Candy, the soul food of children across the nation, was the best part of this silly holiday. So what are some of the most nostalgic candies that we used to find in our plastic pumpkins?
1. Airheads
These things came in all different fruity and sour flavors, they were big kids laffy taffy.
2. Bazooka Bubble Gum
Mmm, these things were what bubble gum really tasted like. Too bad the flavor didn't last very long.
3. Candy Corn
A Halloween staple to be sure. But most kids don't actually like them. I think they're missing out and I still stuff my face with this delicious pump of sugar.
4. Candy Necklaces
I had some kids give me one of these over the summer at camp. They still taste delicious and are incredibly fashionable.
5. Dots
Not personally one of my favorites but I did trade them with other kids for better candies. These gooey fruity shapes certainly got around.
6. Dum Dums
My mom once told me that they never have these at her office because one good tug and the whole top pops off and many kids chocked. Still, tasty and cheap.
7. Fun Dip
Aww yes, this seriously sour dip made us feel all big and tough if we could handle eating it in large quantities.
8. Gushers
Not one of my favorites either but definitely a good bargaining chip for those who craved its sour juices.
9. Jelly Belly's
The muggle version of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I've always wanted to go to the factory where they make these and watch the process of putting so much flavor into something so small.
10. Jolly Ranchers
Another Halloween staple but also another choking hazard for kids, though totally worth it. Though to be fair, I'd only ever eat the red ones because those are the best.
11. Junior Mints
I'm not personally a fan of mint but I've seen my mom and my aunt squabble for these chocolate covered confections. There must be something desirable about them.
12. Laffy Taffy
The mini-slightly-more-fruity airheads. But they had some of the corniest jokes on the wrappers.
13. Life Saver's
Mmm, this one is one of my favorites, so chewy and fruity.
14. Milk Duds
Man did these things get stuck in your teeth. But oh so chocolate-y and caramel infused.
15. Nerds
Ooh, more sour things that the more you consumed in one go, the cooler you were. Especially when they came out with the Halloween colored ones.
16. Now or Later
The sour-starburts as it were. Man these things were so hard though, you had to suck on them for a long time before they were soft enough to chew.
17. Pixie Sticks
Oh my...the drug candy. You earned a lot of money from bets about snorting this stuff. Not that I've ever tried but I've seen some of the most confident guys be brought to tears by the sourness of these things.
18. Pop Rocks
My sister used to guzzle things things all the time. But don't do pop rocks and sod...just don't do it.
19. Ring Pops
The essence of elementary school "dating" or "marriage", an edible piece of jewelry.
20. Smarties
Poppin' sugar pills...these things are so popular on Halloween, probably because they're really cheap.
21. Sweetarts
The big kid version of smarties, quite a bit more sour to boot. Just don't crack your teeth on them.
22. Tootsie Pops
How many licks does it take to get to the center? The world may never know...
23. Tootsie Rolls
Whether big or small, these things are delicious. I think I lost probably three teeth eating these things.
24. Warheads
I have distinct memories of my mom and sister eating one of these and making some of the most hilarious "too sour" faces I've ever seen.
25. Whoppers
Aww, this poor little candy. So cheap everyone bought it but hardly anyone ever ate. My dad used to polish these off for us though.