Movies, books, TV shows, and other sources of entertainment have been in my life before I can remember. I connected to each character in a different way because I saw myself in them, or they changed my life for the better. The 25 characters below all have a special place in my heart and if I could meet them, I don't know what I would do. Maybe hug/kiss them, have a great conversation, or anything else I can think of. Yes, the majority of them are men, don't judge. I'm a growing young woman who sees inspiration in many male characters (and also, some are good looking). This is in no particular order.
1. Howl
The first movie I can remember being addicted to was "Howl's Moving Castle" and I'm so glad that I have this memory. I've watched this film hundreds of times and I'm always so fascinated with Howl. His character is eccentric and mysterious... a trait I love people to have. Thanks, Howl, for being someone I look up to!
2. Legolas Greenleaf
Everyone has a childhood crush and mine is Legolas. To be honest, he is still my crush to this day. Elves, skills in archery, and being a total BAMF are just things I'm attracted to. Thanks, Legolas, for being a part of the series that has changed my life and for being so irresistible.
3. Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson is my spirit animal. He's sarcastic, a master of deadpan, hater of hugs, and very picky. But at the same time, Ron is sensitive and cares about those he's close to. Thanks, Ron, for being yourself and hating the government.
4. Michael Scofield
Everyone loves a sensitive and kind-hearted main going to prison so he can free his wrongly convicted brother... right? Well I do! Thanks, Michael, for showing me that family is important and that prison is not on my bucket-list.
5. Draco Malfoy
Most people lean towards the heroes and the good guys. Not me. Draco isn't necessarily evil, he is just seen as someone he isn't. The choices he made were because he was forced to, not because he wanted to. Thanks, Draco, for showing me that sometimes bad things happen even if you don't want them to and that in the end, you can still change.
6. Forrest Gump
This movie will be one of those films that always makes me cry... multiple times. It amazes me that Forrest stayed strong throughout all the hardships in his life. Thanks, Forrest, for showing me that I can find a happy endings by staying motivated.
7. Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt
Definite OTP. Leslie and Ben are the epitome of an iconic TV couple. "Parks and Recreation" show that everyone will find the right person when it's best for you. These two are made for each other. Thanks, Leslie and Ben, for showing me that one day I will find my 'soulmate' and that we can be weird and still have fun.
8. Jim Hopper
Hopper is a new addition to my list. After "Stranger Things" took the world by storm, everyone was hooked to the kids and Eleven. For some reason, Hopper was the character I was most into because of his enigmatic past and his drive to help find Will. Thanks, Jim, for letting me learn that even with a bad past, new actions can patch up those memories.
9. Castiel
Castiel is so bad-ass but also an innocent little angel. He brings life to "Supernatural" because of his lack of knowledge on societal values. If I could meet him I would just hug him forever and listen to that cool voice of his. Thanks, Castiel, for evoking emotions in me that I've never had for another T.V. show besides "Parks and Recreation".
10. Courage the Cowardly Dog
Oh, this poor guy has it bad. One of his owners is ditzy and the other is too mean. In addition, whenever Courage sees the evil characters, no one understands the danger they bring except him and the audience. Thanks, Courage, for dealing with the constant evil at your home and for being in a children's show that scares adults.
11. Holden Caulfield
Holden deals with teen angst on a daily basis. He's been through some tough times, but he can work around it with his love for ducks and New York City. Thanks, Holden, for being a character I wanted to learn more about in English class.
12. Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
A Cajun superhero. I love it. Gambit is ferocious and charming! I love his eyes and the fact that you can make decks of cards actually hurt people. Thanks, Remy, for being intriguingly handsome and saving that one Wolverine movie from plummeting in the box office.
13. Steve Rogers (Cap. America) and Bucky Barnes (the Winter Soldier)
Back to back superheroes! Steve and Bucky are the definition of best friend goals: they were BFFs in the 1940s and BFFs (at the same age) in the 2010s. Even though they experience WWII, death, torture, brainwashing, and a civil war they still managed to be together. Thanks, Steve and Bucky, for showing me what true best friends do.
14. Loki
Another Marvel universe character, but a villain! Loki is my favorite character from all of Marvel, hands down. He's quirky, a trickster, and evil yet a little loving. Thanks, Loki, for showing me that good can come from evil... sometimes.
15. Jon Snow
I've read the books and I've seen the T.V. show. Jon Snow was my favorite in both, so that proves that it's not just Kit Harrington's perfect acting. He's intimidating, yet cares about his family and the future of Westeros. Also, his direwolf, Ghost, is so cute! Thanks, Jon, for being awesome through and through.
16. Arwen Undómiel
I love "Lord of the Rings" and elves, so Armen should be no surprise. She stands up for her love life and protects Frodo in "Fellowship of the Ring". As a young girl when I first saw this, Armen was the spark of me being strong and proud of my abilities. Thanks, Armen, for saving Frodo and marrying Aragorn.
17. Olivia Benson
Another female superstar! Olivia Benson is the lead character of one of my favorite shows and she shows the unit who's boss. She has a knack of kicking ass but can also be down to earth and connect with victims. Thanks, Olivia, for going against stereotypes and being on "SVU" for so long.
18. Dean Winchester
Dean is a hardcore hunter who loves rock 'n' roll, pie, and wearing flannels. My kind of man. On the outside he's an arrogant and strong killer of all things fantastical, but on the inside he's a family-loving softie. Thanks, Dean, for saving Sam and Castiel and also having a great taste in music.
19. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson
Ah, these two are some great thinkers with some crazy minds. Sherlock's ability to read people and crack a case is inspiring. John's willingness to learn and walk away from his past is motivating. Thanks, Sherlock and John, for being weird and being OK with it.
20. Jonathan Byers
I love weirdos. Jonathan is easily judged and made an outsider in his high school. He's a great photographer and is not afraid of danger when it comes to people he loves. Please, stay away from Nancy. Thanks, Jonathan, for staying on the outside and being unique.
21. Aiden Waite
Vampires are cool right? Well, Aiden is the definition of calm and collected. He understands that his abilities are dangerous, but isn't afraid to use them to keep friends and others safe. Thanks, Aiden, for helping Josh (a couple of hundred times) and I hope you find your door.
22. Susan Pevensie
Susan is an archer with a goal, and I love that about her. She supports her family and will fight for those who need help. Her drive inspired me when I read the books and watched "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" in the theaters. Thanks, Susan, for being a strong female role. P.S. go find Caspian and please marry him.
23. John Bender
Eat my shorts, John... just kidding, I love you. Everyone loves a rebellious teenager who smokes weed and antagonizes popular kids, right? Well I do! Though he seems strong and fearless on the outside, he's a really sensitive and questioning person. Thanks, John, for persevering and trying to forget your abusive past.
24. Derek Hale
Derek is my favorite character in "Teen Wolf" and I can't really explain it. I love that he's intimidating and easily annoyed, supportive of his pack. Also, his eyebrows are radical. Thanks, Derek, for staying strong and trying to build a happier life beyond Beacon Hills.
25. Thor
Last but not least! Thor is a boastful Norse god who loves Asgard as much as Earth. He's funny, loving, and protective. I would brush his hair and hug him daily if I could. Thanks, Thor, for loving your brother no matter what and being a stud throughout the universe.