New Years is creeping upon on us, and I have begun to ponder what my New Years resolutions should be. Personally, I cautiously make New Year resolutions because they will most likely not last all year, let alone a whole month. Most people try to convenience themselves to stick with their New Year Resolutions, but usually people end up either forgetting or backing out of them. I feel that putting pressure on yourself to become a “better you” only hurts your chances of growing as a person. Most people don’t do well under pressure, so I feel its more productive to grow or do your resolution at your own pace. As I have been thinking about what my New Year resolutions should be, I have also wondered what are the most commonly broke resolutions. I don't think I’m alone in this curiosity, so I will share with you 25 of the most commonly broken New Year resolutions I have found.
1. Have a baby
2. Do something for a charity
3. Try an extreme sport
4. Run a half or full marathon
5. Bike more
6. Get rid of old clothes
7. Spend less time watching TV
8. Spend less time on Facebook
9. Sleep better
10. Learn a new language
11. Improve a relationship
12. Travel
13. Stop procrastinating
14. Enjoy life to the fullest
15. Manage stress better
16. Spend more time with family
17. Get organized
18. Eat healthier
19. Save money
20. Get out of debt
21. Get a new job
22. Quit drinking
23. Quit smoking
24. Exercise
25. Lose weight
These are some of the many resolutions people usually have and then break during the New Year. The beginning of the year is a great time to think of how to improve yourself, but putting pressure on yourself to change quickly could backfire. They are meant to be a guide for how you want to change your year or outlook. Use your resolutions with caution!
They are also a good motivator to jump start your new year, but you never know what the year brings. It’s not bad to have New Year resolutions, but it’s good to be aware that they don’t always work out. That doesn’t mean your year can’t be great. You are the factor that makes your year turn out good or bad, because you are the one that can change whatever needs to be changed. If you want to change something, especially if it will bring you more happiness, then change it. You have the power to change what you want to change. It’s important to get out of your comfort zone. Be the change that you want to be. I hope you all have a grand ending to 2016 and a super fabulous 2017!