Meanings Of The 25 Most Common Dreams | The Odyssey Online
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25 Dreams Almost Everyone Has, And What Your Subconscious Is Actually Trying To Tell You

No, dreaming about your ex does NOT mean you two should get back together...

25 Dreams Almost Everyone Has, And What Your Subconscious Is Actually Trying To Tell You

Dreaming is just one of those things that I simply can't wrap my head around. We all do it, sometimes we forget we do it, but we do it all the same. We have the ability to create unique, sometimes absurd stories in our minds as we're sleeping, that sometimes feel so real that we don't realize it was all in our heads. But, do all of our dreams really have meanings? Here are 25 dreams you've probably had and what they mean about your subconscious.

1. Teeth falling out.

It seems like everyone has had this dream before, and it's super freaky. Teeth dreams are linked to the fear of change, so it's no wonder that we all seem to experience it at one time or another.

2. Being chased.

I get this one all the time, and it isn't fun. Next time you're being chased, look behind you and see who is chasing you. Dreaming about being chased can reveal that we feel threatenedby the person (or thing) that we're running from.

3. Being naked in public.

Ever look down in your dream and realize you're naked? You're not alone. Being naked in a dream suggests that you feel vulnerable to the outside world, or maybe even a little embarrassed about something you recently revealed.

4. Being trapped.

If you've ever been trapped somewhere screaming for help but no one can hear you, then you've experienced this one. This represents a feeling of being trapped in your own life, or the inability to make an important choice.

5. Failing an exam.

For college students, we might have this one more often than others. It can reveal that we're putting too much pressure or high expectations on ourselves that we feel we can't truly meet.

6. Getting frisky.

We've all had a weird dream where we've slept with someone completely inappropriate. Intimate moments with an inappropriate person suggests we've actually found passion in something new, and feel the need to express it.

7. Car crash.

As scary as it can be, a car crash dream doesn't necessarily mean something bad. It represents a fear of control and knowing that we do have control over our own choices.

8. Being extremely late.

This shows that we're nervous about an upcoming event or anxious that we won't succeed at something.

9. Your ex.

This dream is simply a warning to NOT go down the same path you already traveled. Even if the scene is romantic, it's symbolizing that you need something new.

10. Being invisible.

If you're invisible in your dream, it might suggest that there is something in the waking world that you aren't being recognized for. Maybe your parents aren't praising you for your good grades, or maybe your boss still hasn't given you that promotion.

11. Locked in prison.

Being arrested and thrown into prison displays that you feel as though you've lost the ability to be independent. Someone could be making choices for you that you don't agree with.

12. Fire.

Fire can represent many things, but the most common meaning of fire is transformation. You could be going through a huge change in your life, or even just finding yourself after weeks of feeling lost.

13. Alcohol/drug addiction.

Just like in real life, we use these outlets to escape reality. Similarly, in a dream being addicted to alcohol or drugs represents the feeling of needing to escape from something unhealthy or toxic to us.

14. Snakes.

You know what dream I'm talking about. The one where you're surrounded by snakes hissing in your ears. Snakes actually symbolize the ability to grow from something and learn from your mistakes. So, hey, it's not all bad.

15. Chewing glass.

Chewing glass is a representation of a lack of communication in your waking life. You missed an opportunity to talk, you said the wrong thing, or just didn't like what someone told you.

16. Aliens.

Aliens are foreign, obviously. Similarly, dreaming about aliens symbolizes an experience that we haven't been through before, or maybe don't fully understand.

17. Drowning.

Drowning dreams are never fun, however, they represent an emotional state. You are about to enter a very emotionally draining time of your life, good or bad.

18. Dogs.

Anytime there is a dog in your dream, the dog typically represents your lover. If the dog is attacking you, this could display a threat in your current relationship.

19. Spiders.

Ew, gross, I know. The meaning of the spider in your dream signifies a fear of becoming too emotional in a specific situation.

20. Trapped in an elevator.

It's similar to being trapped elsewhere, except that being trapped in an elevator signifies you are moving upward in life but you feel somewhat scared about it.

21. Natural disaster.

Natural disaster dreams typically represent the possibilities of things that we cannot control. If you're a control freak, you get this.

22. Becoming pregnant.

You peed on the stick and... you're pregnant! This actually symbolizes the completion of a long-awaited project you've been working on.

23. Burglary.

A burglary can be scary, and the dream interpretation isn't all that great either. It shows that you feel as though your personal space in the real world has been invaded.

24. Zombies.

Being a zombie in your dream simply means you are bored with your everyday life, of the same thing over.... and.... over....

25. Having an affair.

If you're in a relationship and in your dream you stray from them, it could actually represent a fear of losing this person. I know, it's a weird way to show that.

Of course, there are many other dreams you've probably had that aren't on this list, but these are the basic ones. It always fascinates me how much we can learn from our subconscious, without even trying. Pay attention to your dreams, keep a dream journal, and learn so much about yourself that you didn't even know was possible!

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