One of my favorite quotes has to be this:
'There's no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this.'
You don't have to travel thousands of miles away to experience what's beautiful in this world. Check out this list of the most beautiful state parks in America.
1. Cheaha State Park, Alabama
2. Denali State Park, Alaska
3. Red Rock State Park, Arizona
4. Mount Magazine State Park, Arkansas
5. Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, California
6. Stuanton State Park, Colorado
7. Sleeping Giant State Park, Connecticut
8. White Clay Creek State Park, Delaware
9. Ichetucknee Springs State Park, Florida
10. Cloudland Canyon State Park, Georgia
11. Iao Valley State Park, Hawaii
12. Hell's Gate State Park, Idaho
13. Matthiessen State Park, Illinios
14. Brown County State Park, Indiana
15. Backbone State Park, Iowa
16. Kanapolis State Park, Kansas
17. Kingdom State Park, Kentucky
18. Chicot State Park, Louisiana
19. Quoddy Head State Park, Maine
20. Seneca Creek State Park, Maryland
21. Mount Greylock State Reservation, Massachusetts
22. Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park, Michigan
23. Gooseberry Falls State Park, Minnesota
24. Tishomingo State Park, Mississippi
25. Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Missouri
So say yes to new adventures and see where the world takes you next!