As time goes on, it is an inevitable factor that you will get older, but wouldn't it be incredible to be young forever? You would be a modern day Peter Pan, and man-oh-man it would be great. A lot of things would be so much simpler in this world. As you grow older, you look around yourself, at the children around you, and constantly think, "Oh to be that young again." Although I am only 20 years old, there are still many people in this world younger than me that I look at and think this to myself. Yeah growing up obviously has its perks, but if I could be frozen at any age I wanted too, I can't say I would be too upset about it, at least for some time. Within the past two years I have been indulged with stress, responsibilities, strange relationships, and other things that are physically, and emotionally draining. If only I had Peter Pan syndrome, or a couple sips from the fountain of youth, and I could be young and stress free for a lifetime. Here are a few of the perks about being young forever:
1. Not a single worry in the world (unless it's what toy to play with).
2. You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want.
3. You can nap/sleep for and undetermined period of time.
4. Having a boundless energy supply.
5. The toys are so much better - simple toy phones rather than iPhones.
6. Your outfits almost NEVER have to match.
7. The television may be your best friend.
8. Unless, you really do have a best friend, in which, arguments are only over what game to play.
9. Very very very few responsibilities aka you can do whatever you want, when you want - for the most part.
10. The hardest work you'll get will be addition and subtraction problems.
11. You can color whenever you please.
12. You can burst into song, singing "Forever Young," whenever you please, because well, it is the truth.
13. There is never a thought, or worry, about getting your heart broken.
14. You don't have to worry about impressing anyone.
15. Saying "I love you" is not something you overthink.
16. Trust is almost never an issue.
17. Did I already say you can eat WHATEVER you want!!
18. You never have to think about death, or living today like it's your last.
19. You still have so much innocence left.
20. Money stresses aren't a thing.
21. Smiling is never forced.
22. Your dreams will never disappear.
23. Pain is so easily forgotten.
24. You are not ridiculed for mistakes.
Nobody actually wants to grow up - we just want the freedom to use our youth.