Band camp: It's one of the best and worst weeks of your high school and/or college career. No matter where you march, how long you've been in it, what instrument you play, etc., I'm sure you can agree that you've thought of all these things at least once during that fateful week (or daily, I won't judge).
1. How do I read music/play this instrument again?
It's been almost a year since you've did this whole marching band thing. You forget things, it happens.
2. I should really practice and memorize the music last year.
Discovering that you have no idea what is going on during that first run through at camp is always terrifying.
3. Hahaha who am I kidding? No one comes into band camp with all of the music memorized!
Actually yes, there are always those dedicated folks who have their music memorized coming in, and they're the ones holding your section together. And even if the majority of the group doesn't have the music memorized, I'm sure they at least looked at the music once.
4. Yeah, I regret not looking at the music once this summer.
Every year you regret that you didn't do it, and yet you still do it every year anyway.
5. This music can't be that hard to memorize. I'll have a ton of time to look over it in my room!
No, you never have as much time as you think you'll have. And no, as soon as camp is over for the day, you will not touch your music until the next rehearsal.
6. OMG! I get to see all of my friends again!
There will be lots of screaming, hugging, maybe crying when you reunite with all of your band friends who you haven't seen in a while. The bond between band members is strong and sacred, because you have truly been through it all together.
7. When is the water break?
There is nothing quite as refreshing as taking a long drink of cold water after several hours of marching in the heat. Unfortunately, these breaks do not occur often enough, which is another reason they're so special.
8. I have never sweated so much in my life.
The first day, you're embarrassed because you feel so sweaty and gross, but trust me, everyone else is in the same boat. And trust me, no one really cares how much you sweat (as long as you put on deodorant!).
9. Psh, who wears sunscreen?
The answer to this question is "the smart people in the band". You never think you will burn during practice, but yet you do every single time. Even if it's overcast, you will get a sunburn without sunscreen on, so lather up.
10. Why did I even bother to try and get a nice tan this summer?
When you arrive to band camp, you'll be rocking a perfect summer glow. By the end of band camp however, you'll be rocking a sunburn and/or full out band tan lines. The sock, watch, tank top, etc. tan lines are unavoidable, so I recommend just accepting that they're going to happen, so you might as well try and humor in the situation.
11. I would pay a ridiculously large sum of money if I could be in a swimming pool right now instead of standing in the middle of a hot football field.
Even though you try and avoid thinking about it, your mind will inevitably wander and you'll think about cool and wet places and things like the ocean, air conditioning, ice cream, slushies, etc. You'll get so tired and sweaty that anything that will cool you down would be worth any price.
12. Basically, I would pay a large sum of money to be anywhere in the world other than being in this stupid field.
13. This has to qualify as cruel and unusual punishment.
What did you do to deserve hours of marching in the heat carrying a heavy instrument with only a couple of quick water breaks? You joined marching band, that's what. And while it can seem like some form of ancient torture, it really isn't.
14. Why don't people respect us band geeks?
I mean, we are out in the same heat as every other fall athlete. We are also working hard for several hours. Us band geeks deserve a lot of credit for the hard work and dedication we put into marching band, and even though it does not always feel like it, people really do appreciate all the effort we put into a show that lasts less than 15 minutes.
15. Could these uniforms get any more unflattering?
No matter where you march, the uniform is going to be hot, uncomfortable, and not nearly as flattering and awesome as things you would normally wear. The only way to get over that is to embrace it. Rock that ugly uniform! Dance in those Dinkles! Cool people wear plumes! Everyone else is in the same boat as you, so learn to enjoy the boat ride. And your parents will love the uniforms, and take many unfortunate pictures, no matter how awful you think it is.
16. This is the fifth time the director has said to run the drill "one more time."
All directors do this. Underestimating how many more times you'll practice a drill is one of the qualities all band directors need to have in order to create a successful marching band. And although it can be really annoying at the time, it is kind of funny.
17. Why did I even join marching band?
I have no idea why you joined. I have no idea why you're staying with it. But let's be honest, no matter how awful band camp is, you love it way too much to quit, even though you threaten to quit every single day of camp. And even though you say you're not going to be in band again next year, you'll stick with it. We are all insane enough to love marching band enough to stick with it, even though we all say we hate it.
18. My section is clearly the best.
Why do other sections even try and prove they're better than us? Clearly we are the best instrument section in the band, we always have been and always will be. Someone just give us the "Best Section Spirit Award" already, we are like a family.
19. What shapes are we even making during this drill?
The band director/drill writer/whoever always has a great idea in their mind for what the shapes in the drill will look like. To everyone else though, they look like some sort of shapes meant to summon aliens.
20. What is so hard about making a diagonal?
The band routines always end up being a lot harder than you think they'll be, especially when you're just trying to make a blasted straight line. And of course, there's always that *one section* that is never right. Argh.
21. Why did I choose to play a large instrument?
For sousaphones, bell players, drummers, basically anyone who plays something other than a piccolo, the question that is always running through the back of our minds is why we chose to play an instrument that is so heavy. At least by the time band camp is over, we'll be incredibly strong, right?
22. What time is it?
23. I love every single person in this band so much (cries).
Somehow the heat and the dehydration and the exhaustion brings everyone in a band together in ways no one who hasn't been in a band can understand. Your bandmates are truly all family, and you love being with all of them.
24. I'm going to sleep so well tonight.
By the time that last evening rehearsal ends, all you can think about is your comfy bed. It may be before 10 p.m., but you're still going to go to bed, and you're going to fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow (marching is exhausting!).
Well, I guess that's it for one day. Time to go to bed and get ready for the same thing tomorrow!