This week marks Ash Wednesday, which is the start of Lent for all those who celebrate. A notable part of Lent for many is the fasting, or giving up, of something. However, sometimes it is hard to think of what exactly to give up. There are the obvious things, like soda, and the not-so-obvious things, like procrastination. Are you still unsure of what to give up? Here is a list of 24 things you can give of this Lenten season and five things you can add to your daily routine!
The Obvious
These are the ones you commonly hear about. And to no surprise... they usually have something to do with food, or your health in general. They almost sound like a second round of New Year's resolutions.
1. Soda
Yes, it's no fun to give up your go-to beverage... will it be worth, absolutely!
2. Candy
Can you go 40 days without it?
3. Swearing
Looking to delete some words from your vocabulary?
4. Not exercising
Get up, get moving!
5. Ice Cream
Are you willing to give up this one?
6. Caffeine
In love with your coffee, but want to fast it for 40 day? Go ahead!
7. Fast Food
Good-bye McDonalds...
8. Snacking
Focus on all the activities you've got going on throughout the day and give them your undivided attention. Don't keep searching for snacks.
9. Sleeping In
Get up and start your morning the right way! Say a prayer or go for a run.
The Not-So-Obvious
Theses are the harder ones. Most of the time it focus our thoughts on positive things rather than the negative ones. The most difficult part is that it takes a little bit of self reflection and you are working on changing a habit you've had for years. The good thing about these not-so-obvious choices is that after 40 days it changes the your outlook, so the good habits will hopefully stick!
10. Self-Hatred
Stop comparing yourself to others.
11. Procrastination
Stop putting stuff off because you don't feel like it. Make a plan and make it happen!
12. Messiness
Tidy up your living space and prepare it for Easter.
13. Disorganization
Give up the clutter and all the unnecessary things you hang on to.
14. Complaining
Be thankful for everything that you have been giving.
15. Worrying
"Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself." -Matthew 6:34
16. Gossip
Words can hurt.
17. Discontent
Express gratitude for everything you have been given.
18. Stress
Give it God. He's got you!
19. Skipping Your Prayers
This is your time with God. Don't skip it!
20. Judging Others
We are all sinners. Build each other up instead up bringing each other down.
21. Fear
Do no be afraid.
22. Self-Doubt
Don't doubt yourself. You are a capable of more than you could ever imagine.
23. People Pleasing
It's ok to focus on yourself. You need time for you too!
24. Social Media
Start small and give up one platform such as Twitter or Facebook.
Even though this is known as a time where we give things up, you can also add things to your daily schedule. If you are wanting to do more here are a few suggestions:
1. Pray More
Maybe you're good about saying grace or your prayers before bed, but take it a step further. Say a prayer every morning before you start your day!
2. Don't Eat Meat On Fridays
There are plenty of other food options. Save the steak dinner for another night.
3. Write in it everyday during Lent
That's only 40 entries!
4. 40 Day Bible Study
There are so many options. Find one that works for you!
5. Reach Out To Others
Help someone in need, or volunteer in your community.