In light of recent events, a.k.a. the mess that is the 2016 Presidential Election, a group of my friends and I discussed what, if in the event that somehow we became the leader of the free world for a day, we would ban from existence. This list, compiled by some very unique people is a true testament to the fact that there are indeed many types of people in the world.
1. Pain.
2. Suffering.
3. Socks with Crocs.
(and sandals too, but Crocs more specifically)
4. Bad drivers.
5. Food prices.
6. Push/pull doors.
7. Yams.
8. Oil rigging in the North Pole to save the polar bears.
9. Putting anything other than coffee in coffee.
10. EDM. Everything involved.
11. People using 'literally' in the wrong situations.
12. Puns.
13. Vegans.
14. The words "my pleasure" from Chick-fil-A.
15. People from not chanting "USA! USA! USA!" constantly.
16. Wifi. There would still be electronics, just no Wifi.
"And then I would watch the whole world burn."
17. Country music.
18. Hatred of country music.
19. Homework (or anything that had to do with school)
20. All the rules.
21. The state of Ohio.
"It's the armpit of America." Sorry, people of Ohio. Her words not mine.
22. Manipulation of the media.
23. People who drive in the fast lane but don't go at least 15mph over the speed "limit."
And finally,
24. The drawers under sinks or in kitchens that look like drawers, but really aren't drawers and they're just there for decoration.
the worst.
Written with the help of the UCCS Young Life College students.