Here's to the kids that were always mommy and daddy's little angel. The kids that never have to worry about who is the favorite kid. Here's to the kids that get called spoiled on a regular basis. Here's to the non-sharers of the world. This one's for you.
1. When you first meet people one of the first things they ask you is: "You're an only child, aren't you?"
Literally, I've always been curious about how people can automatically tell that I'm an only child. What, since you have siblings that makes you a mind reader?!
2. When you confirm that you are in fact an only child, people make the comment, "Oh, so you were enough for your parents."
3. Or they say, "So, you're parents just didn't want anymore kids?"
4. You don't handle teasing well.
5. People automatically assume you're spoiled.
6. Okay, maybe you were a little spoiled... But only a little.
7. You're suffering from "only child syndrome." Or so people say.
8. When you were growing up you had no one to blame things on.
9. You always get far too much attention from your parents.
10. But, you expect to be the center of attention, always.
11. You've never been good at sharing.
12. When you were little you dreamed of what it would be like to have siblings.
13. You can never decide if being an only child is a curse or a blessing.
14. Your personal space is important to you, and other's never fully understand it.
15. "Playing well with others" isn't in your vocabulary.
16. Your house is just a huge shrine to all of your accomplishments.
17. Family dinners are uncomfortably quiet.
18. You cry a little bit when people post pictures of their siblings on "National Siblings Day."
19. Or you post a picture of yourself on "National Siblings Day" to celebrate yourself and not having any siblings.
20. You treat your friends as if they're your siblings, and they think you're completely weird for it.
21. You never have to worry about someone outshining you.
22. As a child you were an expert at playing alone/entertaining yourself.
23. You were a lonely kid.
24. But you don't have to worry about who's the favorite child.