Recently, an article came across my news feed on Facebook titled "24 Signs She's A Slut." Before you read this piece, I highly encourage you to check out the article in the link below. (Press continue and you'll be able to read it.)
The piece was posted on Thought Catalog by a man named Tuthmosis Sonofra. I saw the title of the piece, laughed, and decided to read on to see if I was a 'slut' in this man's eyes due to his list. I won't go through each explanation he put, but here are some of the reasonings he wrote down which will indicate if a female is a slut.
1. Has tattoos.
2. Has piercings outside of the traditional ear lobe.
3. Has 'slut face.'
4. Curses a lot.
5. Has big boobs.
6. Has extra body hair.
7. Is in or was in a sorority.
8. Was a cheerleader in high school.
9. Has a nice, even tan.
And my personal favorite, 10. Has divorced parents.
So, since our dear friend Tuthomosis made up a creative list as to how you can tell a woman is a slut, I'm going to make up my own list as to why you, my friend, are a sexist and degrading a**hole.
1. You judge women on what they put on their body.
Having a palm tree on my arm doesn't make me a slut.
2. You judge women on what they decide to get pierced.
For real, what the hell is wrong with a belly button ring? Uh, NOTHING.
3. You claim women have a certain kind of face that indicates they're a slut.
Chances are we're probably giving you resting b*tch face because you won't stop looking at us.
4. You judge women based on what we choose to say.
I've got one of the BIGGEST trucker mouths in the world, but I'm still one of the kindest souls you meet. So do everyone a favor, and shut the f*ck up.
5. You judge women because of our body sensitivity.
Okay, this one was ridiculous. You literally claim a girl is a slut because she isn't ticklish? Do I even have to explain how stupid you sound?
6. You judge women based on the topics they like to discuss.
If a girl likes weed and wants to talk about it, let her. If she went to a rave and got super messed up and is telling a story about the experience she had, let her. It has no bearing on your life whatsoever.
7. You judge women based on their body parts.
I love my big boobs, so screw you.
8. You judge women based on the clothing they choose to wear in the heat.
You're right, I'm sorry. Let me just wear jeans and a north face when it's 85 degrees so you're more comfortable with my appearance.
9. You judge women based on a hormonal imbalance.
Okay, this one was absolute bull. As a female who suffers with PCOS and has to deal with excessive body hair as a symptom of it, it's completely disturbing that you would tell a female she's a slut because of something she can't control.
10. You judge women based on her friends.
I don't know who the hell you think you are to say the women I hang out with are sluts when you don't even know us. Ever heard of the phrase 'don't judge a book by it's cover?' You probably haven't considering your entire article is garbage and is judging women on their physical features mostly - but let me continue.
11. You judge women on who they're sexually attracted to.
A girl either experimenting with women or showing interest in a woman doesn't mean she's a slut - it simply mean that she's exploring the curiosity that wanders in her mind. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
12. You judge women because of their involvement in Greek like.
I have so many good friends involved in Greek life, and they're honestly some of the kindest people I've ever met. Just because they associate with a lot of people doesn't mean they're getting around.
13. You judge women based on how they choose to travel.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a trip by your lonesome or with your girls. I don't even see how being by yourself or with only girls means you can be a slut considering you're not with any guys on the trip but uh, hey - your logic not mine.
14. You judge women based on what they did in high school.
I'm going to assume you're a man in your late 20s at least maybe? If you're really trying to call a girl a slut because she was involved in an extracurricular activity in school that showed her support for her school, you're dumber than I thought.
15. You judge women based on where they choose to go to college.
Just because a school is known for partying doesn't mean it's a female's intent to just party. You do realize you have to keep up a certain GPA to stay in college, right?
16. You judge women based on when they lost their virginity.
This one's simple - when a women chooses to have sex is none of your damn business.
17. You judge women based on their drink of choice.
Seriously, let the damn girl have her shots! Don't be pissed that she can hold her liquor better than you can.
18. You judge women based on who they know.
I have friends who hold a lot of EDM events and actually have their own business that's proven very successful. I'm not really sure how being friends with people who are able to make a living out of something they know entitles them to being a slut, but sure.
19. You judge women based on their photos.
Okay, if you're seriously going to call a girl a slut because her friend hung up a back drop and she took a photo she considered to be creative then you really are a moron. Let the girl express herself how she wants - not really sure why it's effecting you so much.
20. You judge her because she enjoys sex.
It's so funny to me. It's totally acceptable for guys to talk about trying to 'bang the sh*t' out of some girl, but the second a woman expresses interest, she's a whore. Weird.
21. You judge her because her parents split up.
This is the most disgusting one of all in my opinion How dare you take a moment that could be extremely damaging to a young girl and try to use it against her. I wish I could literally spit on you right now.
22. You judge women on their beliefs.
If a woman chooses to be a feminist, I'm pretty sure she's more worried about fighting for equal rights rather than proving she's better in bed than you are.
23. You judge women on how they maintain their body.
If a girl can be tan and stay tan, let the woman have a nice f*cking tan without your bull sh*t.
24. You judge women on what they do with their hair.
Again, I'm not really sure how having blue tips in your hair make you a slut.. but you're the one with the messed up logic.
I could literally go on and on about why you're one of the biggest a**holes to ever exist, but I'm sure you've received enough backlash to last a lifetime. You wrote this article because you're either genuinely extremely close-minded or because you're still butt hurt that all the girls who fell into these categories turned you down. Either way, you've done nothing with this piece but prove you're an ignorant and sexist pig who doesn't deserve to have a good woman by his side.