A sasshole is just what you thought it was: a sassy person who can be a little bit of an as*hole. Okay — a pretty big a*shole sometimes. It is someone who is entertaining at best and offensive at worst. If your friend who is a sasshole wasn't so witty and funny, you would most likely never be friends with this person and think they are a huge jerk, but since most of their remarks are 'laugh-out-loud' funny, they are totally tolerable. Sassholes have enough confidence for a small country and they are not afraid to step on someone's toes in the spirit of a good joke. You either love or hate this person — or you are this person. Here is a list of ways to know if you are a sasshole:
1. People who don't know you think you're a bitch.
2. People who do know you know that you are a bitch, but a very hilarious bitch.
3. Flirting never goes entirely correctly unless the guy understands your humor.
4. Flirting consists of a series of witty insults that are meant to be taken as compliments.
5. You are always the one in your friend group to say the things no one else would out loud.
6. You are always the one in your friend group that has to yell at people.
7. Guys love you because you can keep up with them.
8. You haven't had a ton of boyfriends because it is extremely hard to find someone to appreciate your crude sense of humor and throw it back at you.
9. You're known as the "funny girl" which has always been way better than being known as the "pretty girl."
10. Drunk or sober, you're the life of the party.
11. Girls hate you because you literally make an absolute fool of yourself around anyone and everyone around you and you don't care at all.
12. You think most people are stupid.
13. You tell most people you think they are stupid.
14. Your friends, exes, and even sometimes your parents are convinced you don't have feelings. But you actually have a lot — just buried under an enormous amount of attitude.
15. You do not understand this "filter" everyone keeps speaking of or why everyone insists that you need one.
16. You leave the best comments on people's Instagram accounts (especially the super sappy ones).
17. You do not see a problem in literally dismissing someone from your presence.
18. "Sorry not sorry" should be stamped across your forehead.
19. You have been told multiple times to have your own TV show.
20. You aren't afraid to call anyone out.
21. You actually thoroughly enjoy calling people out.
22. When people say you are being rude, you just say you are being honest.
23. There is no need to talk behind anyone's back because you'll say it to their face.
24. There is a fine line between sassy and being an a*shole and you cross this line daily.