Thinking about where I am now and who I've become the past 18 years of my life, I reference back to my mom and all that she's done for me. Sure, we have our arguments sometimes, but nothing will ever tear away the bond that we have with each other. Over the past 18 years, she has been the most influential person, shaping me into the woman I am today. For the past 18 years, I've been lucky enough to have a woman to look up to and to have a best friend who's always there. So thanks, Mom. I just wanted to give you all the reasons why you're the best.
1. She's always someone to talk to...even when I'm at my worst and annoying the hell out of her
Thanks for always listening to me...even when I talk 70mph.
2. She makes the best food
3. She taught me how to do laundry (thankfully) and still does it for me sometimes
Thanks for doing my laundry up until I was like 14. Thanks for doing it when I bring home a bunch from college, too.
4. She is always straight up with me
You tell me when I need to fix my hair or when my outfit isn't good. Or when I need to set my priorities straight or try to get a better grade next time.
5. She is the hardest working person I know
You've always balanced your job, me and my sister, our two pets, keeping the house orderly, and any other thing going on in your life in a correct and fashionable manner. I couldn't appreciate it more.
6. She is the most caring woman I know
Moms always should be and they always will be.
7. She is always thinking of other people
You're the only person I've met in my entire life that cares for other people as much as you do. You always put others first and your thoughtfulness and kindness toward others will always be something I admire.
8. She takes care of me when I'm sick
9. She takes me on spontaneous vacations
Whether it's the two week West Coast trip to tour colleges and see Taylor Swift or the week long Texas vacation to see Taylor Swift, she's always ready to go and ready for something new.
10. She raised me to become who I am today
Two words: Thank you.
11. She gave me boundaries and rules from a young age
Although I hated them in high school and they can still get on my nerves now, I know you're looking out for me and I'm thankful for that.
12. She loves my friends as much as I do
Her third, fourth, fifth, etc. kids.
13. She hates that I say this, but she's my true best friend
You're the only person who will always hang out with me when my friends can't, so thanks.
14. She is actually really funny
I hate to admit it, but it's true.
15. She understands my love for food
Thanks for understanding when I order a bunch of food when we go out to eat or get seconds and thirds when you make dinner. Only you get it.
16. ...and clothes
I try not to, but I just love them so much. Thank God you're not the mom that would make me return them if you were mad I bought them.
17. She is the best bargain shopper I know
I mean...who else could buy $100 boots for $3?
18. She is supportive of (mostly) everything I do
Thanks for letting me decide what college I wanted to go to, and thanks for letting me come home whenever. Thanks for letting me see Taylor Swift eight times in concert and for taking me to both Texas and Arizona to see her. Thanks for letting me go to the midnight premier of all of the "Twilight" and "Hunger Games" movies when I was younger. Thanks for letting me make my own decisions and thanks for supporting me through it all!
19. She's the cool mom
Again, hate to admit it...but it's true. You are a pretty cool mom.
20. She makes me happy/smile
Whether it's calling or texting to see how my day was, or making sure I get back to my dorm safe. Or giving me money to go get food, or taking me out to eat. Even just hanging out with me. It makes me really happy.
21. She's always looking out for me
22. She is proud of me
23. She makes me proud
24. And last but not least, she loves me. No matter what
Thanks for dealing with me at my worst and loving me unconditionally no matter what. Thanks for always being there for me and always having my back.