Choosing to live with someone is a big deal. Yes, you might have been friends since you were six. Yes, you might be big/little. And maybe you took a gamble and are living with someone you found on Craigslist because you needed a roomie ASAP. But nonetheless, being a good roommate is an art form, so choosing who you live with is ride or die. For those of you wondering if you made the right decision or are contemplating living with someone new, here is a list of factors that I have found to be very beneficial.
1. You should be able to order pizza three times a week and they won't judge you.
If you're lucky, they'll be the one suggesting it at least 50 percent of the time.
2. As a matter of fact, they shouldn't judge you for anything.
Like where you might be going at 12 a.m. on a Tuesday night.
3. They will remind you to feed your cat or just do it for you in case you forget.
Because a good majority of the time, they are more responsible than you are.
4. Being able to tell each other anything and everything is a given.
Because chances are, you'll both be able to hear anything and everything.
5. They will pick you up when you call at 2 o'clock in the morning and are stranded somewhere.
They take care of you, listen to you cry, and will probably take you to get food.
6. They'll be down to eat obscene amounts of carbs and binge watch Netflix with you whenever.
[Eats raw cookie dough and donuts while watching on the 6th straight hour of Grey's]
7. Speaking of Netflix, you'll probably share an account and will definitely be watching at least several shows together.
I promise I didn't watch any more of "Private Practice" while you were at work.
8. The two of you should act more like a couple than you and your significant other do.
9. They'll always replace the toilet paper roll.
This is important, because for some people this is a really hard concept.
10. Sharing clothes will be normal.
You swap shirts on Friday nights and socks on the regular, because we all run out of socks at some point in time.
11. And sharing food should pretty much be fine too.
For the most part.
12. Sharing in general is pretty important.
Cause sharing is caring.
13. They'll give great advice.
Like about the three friends you have besides them and that one guy that you're kinda sorta talking to.
14. They'll help you edit your papers.
College, man.
15. You might not go out together all the time, but when you do, it'll be a night you'll definitely remember.
Or maybe not. But, hey, it was probably really fun.
16. "I'm doing a load of whites. Do you have any that need done?"
Because believe it or not, they're better at being an adult than you.
17. You'll decorate together.
'Tis the season to be crafty, fa-la-la-la-la.
18. They'll put up with your mental breakdowns and know exactly how to make you feel better.
"I'll go get the ice cream."
19. All of your intense texting conversations will be edited and approved by them.
"Should I say that? Yeah? Okay."
20. Your cat will be more in love with them than they are you.
And you have lots of adorable pics of them together.
21. McDonald's runs at 2 a.m. will be a normalcy.
You'll scrounge the apartment for change together.
22. And even though they might be a GDI, they'll still support your Greek Life wholeheartedly.
Like when they buy decorations for the house that are in your sorority's colors and symbols.
23. And you'll both support each other in all endeavors.
They're the first person you ask when you're selling tickets for an event or fundraising.
24. Because at the end of the day, you'll be roommates and each other's #1 cheerleaders.
Love ya, man. Will you help me clean the apartment now?