Lets be real. Recently, the news seems to full of crappy stories. Events that make you question people and human interaction (as well as human and animal interaction). So let's take a timeout from that to celebrate the good that is happening, even if it is pretty darn simple stuff.
1. The sun has been shining a lot recently
Remember a few months ago when we thought we'd never be able to lay out and wear our new shorts?
2. The Olympics are coming
What better way to feel some American Pride.
3. The ability to go on long drives with the windows down
Let freedom ring!
4. Farmer's Markets are back in season
Bless you fresh strawberries.
5. The Cavs won the NBA championship - for the first time
I don't care if you're a Cavs fan or not. We're all tired of the same teams winning, so it's nice to spread the success.
6. Iced Coffee
Perfection in a cup.
7. Fresh flowers are in full bloom and they are beautiful
Buy some for your kitchen and I promise they'll make you smile.
8. We get to watch our younger friends and family graduate high school
We know that there are bigger and better things waiting for them out there.
9. Adult coloring books are very in
Weird what things come back into style.
10. Summer is a time to go out and explore the hidden gems of your city
I found a new burger joint that I'll be going back to!
11. Finding Dory is finally out
We seemed to have been waiting for forever. Time to get the answers we've been waiting for since our childhood.
12. We're still receiving hand written letters
I hope this never gets fully replaced with emails.
13. No more E. coli at Chipotle
We can go back to eating our burrito bowls in peace.
14. We get to hang out with our friends from home who we've been missing while at school
Time to exchange stories from the semester and discuss who has gotten pregnant or married.
15. School friends get to come visit
Then you get to introduce your home BFFs to your school BFFs and you get to put your worlds together.
16. Full tanks of gas
Don't look at it as you just emptied your bank account - look at it as now you have 300 miles of adventure ahead of you.
17. We're old (and mature) enough now to go on coffee dates
In case we needed more excuses to drink coffee.
18. When you're at the gym and it's not crowded
For me that means my Wifi will be strong and I can watch Netflix while on the treadmill.
19. Going out and spotting cute babies and cute puppies
Smiles on smiles.
20. A woman is in the running to be president
Who cares what party you affiliate with. This means enough men sucked in their pride and put their faith in a lady. One small step for women, one giant step for humankind.
21. Scrolling through Facebook and watching hilarious videos
Thank god other people remember to record their cute kids doing stuff.
22. Having your back scratched
No matter how old I am, nothing puts me at peace like someone rubbing my back.
23. Having a clean room
Is it acceptable to throw a party in your room just to celebrate you can see the floor?
24. Visiting your grandparents
There is just something about hanging out with those who will love you unconditionally.
25. Taking your warm clothes out of the dryer
One of those things that never gets old.
26. Visiting the ocean
A reminder that the world is so much bigger than the fight you had with your mom last week.
27. Long talks with your mom
No matter how often you get to talk, heart to hearts with your leading lady never gets old.
Let's spread our happiness to those who need it most. Take your appreciation for what you have and share it with your friends. In a time where it's so easy to forget the good, I challenge you to take on a positive outlook. I promise it won't do any harm.