Being a global studies student is definitely an adventure. From the people you encounter to the course material and crazy internship stories to everything in between, it's an experience all its own. Here's to the all the things that unite us.
You know you're a global studies student when:
1. You constantly have to explain what a Global Studies major is...
Seeing as though a major in global studies can be applied in so many different contexts and combined with so many other disciplines, this is no surprise. Still, you prepare yourself any time someone asks about your major with the immediate follow-up explanation. Sometimes, you even just throw it in before they ask.
2. ...And accept the many different reactions to what your future may hold.
Are they... disappointed it's not international business? Excited that you care about the world, wanting to serve people and make an impact? The possibilities are endless! Either way, you smile and hope for the best.
3. Your classroom essentials include your Bible, Nalgene, Chacos, and leather-bound journal.
Because, let's be real - what else do you need in life?
4. You seem to have a never-ending supply of hipsters at your disposal.
There's ethnic clothing and flowy pants everywhere you turn! We’ve all got a nice piercing or globally-inspired tattoo to flaunt, and we love to steal styles from all over the world. This includes, but is not limited to: henna, wild patterns, and Jesus sandals (bonus points if you go barefoot!).
5. Your professors are more adventurous than you are.
Your prof wrote a book or two? That’s cool. Mine was busy traveling through the rainforest, learning the language of a remote tribal people, and living out their faith in a way that impacts others. But I mean, who's counting, right?
6. Your homework is to get closer to Jesus.
Your reading assignments aren’t just the basics. They’re hard-hitting, soul-wrenching, world-changing, stories of hope that exists in the midst of a broken world and people who have sacrifice and stepped out to make a difference. A constant reminder that there is a God who is good and is sovereign. (Can I get a #BLESSED?)
7. You have a plethora of map-related items in your dorm.
Map on the wall? Check. Globe on the desk? Check. Bags, shirts, and pillows with close-ups of your favorite regions of the world? Check. Us global studies majors love to remind everyone of our love for the world wherever we go.
8. You get way too excited over fair-trade goods.
The day you found that site with ethically-made jewelry and accessories changed your life. It just feels so much better spending way too much money when you know it's providing jobs for women in the Indian countryside. I mean, it's the humanitarian thing to do, right?
9. You spend countless hours daydreaming about potential internship opportunities.
And not just any internships - but purpose-filled, faith-focused, mountain filled kinds of internships. Whether you yearn for the mountains of Pakistan or the streets of Paris, browsing different organizations for your dream semester internship is likely one of your favorite past-times.
10. You get that secret sense of satisfaction when people say they wish they had your major.
Oh, you're in engineering, but wish you could study the world like we do? Ha, you don't say...
11. You live in constant awe of your Creator.
Honestly, how can you not believe there is a God when you get to go beyond reports and hear the stories of sacrifice, commitment, service, selflessness, hope, purpose, and transformation that are happening all over the world? It is a reminder that this world is not here by accident, we are not here by accident, and we are part of a much bigger plan and purpose than we realize.
12. You're not in shock when half the class strolls in barefoot.
And let's not forget the endless amounts of TOMS and Chacos at hand, as well...
13. While others dream of fame and fortune, you dream of giving up everything to live in a hut somewhere.
Jesus said to sell all of my possessions (even those that are map-related) and follow Him. And, well, if you say so God...
14. You get to go to things like "Jungle Camp" for credit.
Uh, a week of nothing but getting to learn how to communicate with those in the depths of the rainforest? A week of sleeping in hammocks and learning a different language and culture? For credit? Right. Tell me again how this isn't the greatest major of all time?
15. You live by a greater commission.
This major is about more than just a career – it’s the fulfillment of a commandment. We aren’t just here looking at this as a job, but as something that can help us change the hearts of people. We’re here to learn, so that we can help deliver a message of freedom.
16. John Piper is basically your best friend.
You've had more than a few "preach it" and "amen, brotha" moments run through your head as you read his writings for class.
17. You fall head over heels whenever someone talks about their dreams to impact the world.
Yes, that boy might have a nice watch, but this one wants to live in poverty and build an orphanage in India. What could be cuter than that?!
18. You have that certain area of the globe that the Lord has placed on your heart, and it skips a beat anytime someone mentions it to you.
You're in love with the people of *insert region here* and you're not afraid to give a solid "Woo!" anytime they get mentioned in a sermon or class period.
19. You get too excited at any phrase with the words "international" or "global" in it.
International Fashion and Talent Show? Global chocolate and tea tasting? World Music Festival? Don't even think twice about it - the posse of globally-conscious hipsters will be there.
20. Your only option for date night is somewhere that accepts meal swipes, seeing as though you're constantly saving for your next seven trips as well as the cost of living as a college student.
A global studies student never sleeps. There's always a trip on the horizon - whether it be eight weeks in Japan or a semester in West Africa. Fundraising is in your blood, and you don't have it in you to spend money on frivolous things like dinner. I mean, think of the children!
21. You forget to rest and live in the now.
“Here I am, send me!” is one of your favorite things to pray. As global studies majors, we are so ready to go go go, but we also need to remember to sit and rest, letting God build us up right where we’re at.
22. You are so excited to see how God will use you.
You are an empty vessel at His fingertips and the world is at your disposal. You know that whatever God has planned for you will be great - you'll just have to wait and see.
Overall, being a global studies major or minor is just as exciting as people think it may be. We’re studying to travel and live cross-culturally, all while being open for the Holy Spirit to work through us. What could be better than that?