1. First and foremost, flaming hots have provided us lovers of over
the top spicy flavor an option from the rather bland potato chip snack varieties offered everywhere.
2. The mere invention of the snack literally created a billion dollar empire for its creator, giving him the quintessential 'American Dream.'

3. But for some weak-willed individuals, eating too much of this
taste bud blistering snack could burn their stomach lining and stomach pain.

4.Obama says they're healthy now.

5. But not healthy enough to dye your tongue the most amazingly
fluorescent red, which we wear on our tongues like a badge of honor

6. The permanently red dip-dyed fingers-- not so much.

7. On the bright side, it encourages really good oral care and you also learn how to wash your hands better so awkward situations like this never happen.

8. The mere intensity of Flamin' Hots' spiciness prepares its consumers to ingest more fluids than ever thought possible to soothe down the fire it creates in their mouths.

9. The extreme popularity of the taste bud-titilating spice, has caused more, less appetizing spicy snack off-brand copycats to crop up ...

If you like these, we can't be friends.
10. ... And vending machines across the nation to stock up on the cherished snack, making it a super convenient lunchtime snack.

11. Creating a culture,
Instills friendship. If you have flaming hots at lunch, sharing will make a new friend guaranteed.

13. But after eating flaming hots so regularly, it soon
becomes the most stable food in your diet--

14. --And every other snack food begins to taste bland in comparison.

Get your original Lay's outta my face!
15. People have whipped up countless creative recipes, incorporating flaming hots
into their daily diets in entirely new, but equally delicious forms.

17. The snack has even inspired the fashion industry--

18.--and flaming' hot-esque hairstyles.

19. The mere spiciness level of this hot snack has drawn people from around the world to test their bodies' limits by eating massive amounts of Flamin' Hots and challenging others on YouTube to do the same.

20. You go out of your way to bulk up on them when you find the
large bags-

21.--And will even spend your last dollar for a taste of this sacred snack, which thankfully can be bought in smaller sizes for only 59 cents.

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