119 years ago in Bernard College on January 2nd, 1897, Alpha Omicron Pi was founded by four incredible women. Stella, Helen, Jesse, and Elizabeth created a sisterhood that was to include everyone. Fast forward those 119 years, AOII has approximately 210 chapters, including the seven chapters in Canada (because, you know, we're international). So, for everyone who has experienced this incredible sisterhood--this one's for you. It isn't just for four years, it's for life.
“What we want are high-minded, like-minded, loyal-hearted girls who will work together happily and hard according to their talents for worthy achievements in and for their college, achievements that shall bring pride to AOII, spur their personal ambitions and help them toward a goal. We want girls who will not only take a lot of fun and happiness out of college, but also put some useful service into it, who will have enough grace to be popular, enough generosity to enjoy life with others and the esteem of others, but enough character to do all this without making the slightest concession of principle or conduct.”
- Stella George Stern Perry
1. You actually know what "ALAM" means.
And you sign it whenever sending emails, texts, or really anything to a sister.
2. The panda and rose are in your most recent emojis.
That's not to mention that they're beside each sister's contact name.
3. Pandas are great!
You may or may not be obsessed with them, but you know that they have no natural born enemies (just like AOII's). You also have been tagged in at least five pictures of a panda.
4. "Exceed the expectation."
You've at least been tagged in a photo with the caption.
5. Your sorority house is referred to as "Homicron."
You think that "Home Sweet Homicron" is the cutest bid day theme ever because it is.
6. You know more facts about arthritis than your grandparents.
You also love it.
7. You're excited about Sisters for Soldiers.
You're even more excited that it's now officially a national philanthropy!
8. You've been to a softball game or baseball game.
You've gone because of Strike out Arthritis at the very least.
9. It's not just a rose, it's a jacqueminot rose.
You know that it has no thorns and you know how to perfectly pronounce it with no French class required.
10. You have a pair of pearls.
You also think that they're super classy to wear. That's not to mention that you wear them as often as possible (they go with everything, after all).
11. You're still in awe of our ritual.
There has been no significant change since it was created 119 years ago! How awesome is that?
12. "Throw what you know."
It's your favorite thing to do, you think that our hand sign is the best, and it was probably one of the first things that you learned to do on Bid Day.
13. It's not WWJD, it's WWSD.
"What would Stella do?" is something that you constantly think about and it's probably what your Standards chair wishes that a lot more girls would think of.
14. You love cardinal, black, and white.
You love our colors and the fact that they look good on everyone. It's not red, it's cardinal, and you also know the exact shade of red that cardinal is.
15. There's lots of wheat.
The preference around the house is wheat.
16. We have Dragma.
We're awesome and we have a magazine. Go us.
17. You know history.
Well, you know AOII's history. You know what January 2nd is, the year, our founders' full names, and not just the college that AOII was founded at, but where in the college.
18. Our founders are the coolest.
Not only were our founders best friends, but they were diverse, which shows in our sisterhood. It's pretty cool to look at everything that they accomplished and to compare your own path to theirs. If they can do it in the late 1800's, then we can do it now.
19. Not only are they the coolest, they're the most diverse.
One of our founders was Jewish, one was a great musician, one was an Educator (because AOII's are smart as well as pretty), and one helped to create what's known as Headquarters!
20. You strive for character, dignity, scholarship, and college interests.
They're something that you strive for each and every day.
21. You are extremely proud of the philanthropy that we do.
Last year alone, as an organization, we participated in approximately 17 philanthropic organizations, ranging from Breast Cancer Research to Domestic Violence all the way to Soup Kitchens. That's amazing! Each chapter also has their philanthropies that they do for their communities and they help other Greek organizations and their philanthropies, too.
22. Going Alumna isn't so bad.
Yeah, you leave college and it seems like it's a sad time (and it totally is), but then you get to be a kick-butt advisor and advise the younger sisters in order to help them navigate this amazing sisterhood.
23. You wouldn't change this sisterhood for anything.
You wouldn't change this sisterhood, the sisters, your organization, or any other part of it. These are/were the best four years of your life and you're excited to be a part of it for the rest of your life.
"First you become a part of it, then it becomes a part of you."
-To all of my sisters. ALAM.