As summer begins, many are forced to return to their old minimum wage job as a way to pay for college activities. And while the job itself is not great, some of the people you work with are. On the other hand, some of the people you work with are literally the weirdest people you may ever meet in your entire life. Below is a list of the 23 types of coworkers that every minimum job will notoriously have.
1. The Self-Elected Director of Social Enrichment
This person was already trying to organize group outings and create a GroupMe on their first day. They have taken it upon themselves to make this job far more than just a job. While it’s slightly irritating because no one ever asked for them to do this, it’s kinda sweet how inclusive they are.
2. The Narc
This person is such a suck-up to your manager. They are only looking out for themselves and as a result, if they see you do anything wrong, they will promptly be telling higher-ups. You’re five minutes late to work? Yah, you’re now definitely getting written up for that. You swipe your friends some discounted goods? You are definitely getting fired now.
3. The Partier
This person is always coming to work hungover, still under the influence of something, or at the very least with a crazy story about what they did this weekend. They’re definitely your go-to person to talk to when you’re bored because you know their stories will keep you entertained for hours. But you always wondered how they passed their drug test….
4. The Most Hated
Ugh, this person literally makes your blood boil because they are literally the worst person you know, and you’re not the only one who feels like this. Actually, everyone feels the same way. You really wonder how they haven’t caught on by this point. It is the collective goal of all the coworkers to get them fired.
5. The Overly Entitled One
This person came in day one assuming they were the manager and as a result, were above all of you. They think so highly of themselves, it’s actually slightly amusing. They will never help you do anything remotely gross because they have determined that they are above that. Helping out? Not a chance. Cleaning? As if.
6. The Secret Mass Murderer
This person creeps everyone the f*ck out. They drive the shiftiest van and literally live in the shadows of your place of employment. Even if they colossally mess up at their job, you are all too afraid to say anything. You would not be even remotely surprised if this person’s name one day appeared on your TV as a mass murderer. You are convinced that this person has some serious (and actual) skeletons in their closet.
7. The Whiner
This person will complain about everything and anything if you let them. They could be receiving a promotion and they would whine about how they now have more work to do as a result. This person commonly throws around the phrase “you wouldn’t understand” to justify all of their complaining. But you understand just fine. You understand that they need to stop whining and do literally anything else.
8. The Ghost
You thought this person quit months ago, but turns out you worked with them yesterday. This person is always on vacation or switching shifts to the point where they work maybe four hours a week. Even when they are there, you aren’t going to see them. They’ll hide in the bathroom or the back room or anywhere where they can get out of doing work. They should probably be fired, if the manager actually ever sees them.
9. The Grandparent
This person has been with the company forever. They know everything there is to know and if you have any questions they are the first person to go to. As a result of this knowledge they possess, they basically can’t get fired because the company would lose a real asset. So as far as the job goes, they just really don’t care. This has allowed them to really chill out, making them one of your favorites.
10. The Over-sharer
This person has taken it upon themselves to tell you every detail of their life whether you want to hear about it or not. And hot tip- you usually don’t. They go into such great detail about their personal life that every conversation you’ve ever had with them has gone from zero to one hundred real freakin' fast.
11. The Drill Sargent
This person never got the memo that your job wasn’t the military. They take everything way too seriously and are uptight all the time. You dread shifts with them because you know they’re going to yell at you at least once for some minor mistake when they don’t even have the authority to. You wouldn’t be surprised if this person developed hypertension as a result of your minimum wage job.
12. The Mass Dater
This person makes it a goal to date as many coworkers as possible. Sometimes it lasts for a while, sometimes for just a few weeks, sometimes it goes down in flames. Drama tends to surround them when it comes to basically every aspect of their job. Their dating habits tend to be something you expect and aren’t really surprised by. It also leads to a lot of switched shifts once one ends and they move onto the next.
13. The Pledge
The pledge comes in all wide-eyed and just happy to be there. They will do whatever work you give them, partly because they want to make friends and show that they aren’t completely incapable (although they are relatively incompetent), partly because it’s their job. They are regularly shafted by everyone else because, well, they’re the pledge and until they pay their dues, they have to.
14. The Bragger
This person’s life is going great right now, and they’ll be the first to tell you about it. Whether it’s that they just accepted a promotion or got a new car or had a 4.0 GPA last semester, you’re always hearing about why their life is perfect. And you’re happy for them, but it makes you question why they’re working this job, if so much else is going right for them.
15. The Optimist
The world is all rainbows and butterflies for this person. No matter what they’re doing or who they’re with, they have a smile on their face. You really admire their optimism, until you’re having a bad day and they won’t leave you alone because in their mind, that’s not allowed. It’s nice to always have someone smiling, but it’s even nicer when they’ll happily take that cleaning job you really didn’t want to do.
16. The Gossip
This person knows the scoop on everyone. They know about why one person got fired, or who’s going to get laid off in the weeks to come. If you ever want to know the dirt on anyone, they’re the person to turn to. You are also constantly avoiding their questions in an attempt to keep your own personal life personal.
17. The Next Bill Gates
This person really should not be working this minimum wage job. They have so much potential and must have a near perfect IQ. You know they won’t be at the job long as they’ll definitely be moving on to bigger and better things. You plan on keeping tabs on this person long after you both quit solely so you can invest the moment they start a company, because you know it’s gonna be big.
18. The Wildcard
You really never know what to expect from this person. Some days they’re just your average person who comes in, does their job, and then leaves. But other days they are just a complete whirlwind of emotions and drama. This is one of the few people you are actually excited to work with solely because they’ll keep you on your toes.
19. The Gym Rat
This person lives and breathes the gym. How do you know? Directly after work they’re always going to the gym or prior to coming to work they were at the gym or they have a second job… at the local Cross Fit gym. You’ve even seen them doing squats and pushups in the back before. But, admittedly, they are in great shape.
20. The Comedian
This person has the ability to make you laugh no matter how bad the shift is going. They manage to always lighten the mood, normally by making fun of management. They're a relatively average worker, but their personality makes everyone who meets them automatically think higher of them.
21. The Eye Candy
This person is always working front because they literally always look amazing. They are the crush of basically everyone who enters the store, including you. You get all the feels when talking to them and you know that the two of you would have gorgeous children. It’s hard to say what they’re like because you’re often to busy staring at them to actually talk to them.
22. The Hot Mess
For this person, Hot Mess Monday is every day they decide to show up. They regularly forget when they’re working, forget part of their uniform, or look like they got hit by a car. You are constantly reminding them to do something because you know it won’t sink in for them until at least the twentieth time. How they haven’t gotten fired yet is a real mystery. But hey, at least they make you look good.
23. The Perfect Employee
This person is the total package when it comes to this job. They are quickly promoted as they learn everything the moment they’re taught it. Sometimes you get jealous by the fact that they’ve really got it all together. They have a great sense of humor and are well liked by all of their fellow coworkers. And on top of it all, they’ll take that shift that you can’t work next Friday.