When you leave home for the first time and make your way towards a new life in a new town with all new faces, life can be tricky. You will get scared, frustrated and really upset at times. Here are a few tips to help you throughout your freshman year and make you not so scared and upset at times.
1. You are in a new place, spend some time getting to know your campus and town the first few days.
2. Talk to everyone and get to know the people on your dorm hall.
They’re in a new place and scared too.
3. Shower at night time when you can.
That extra 20 minutes of sleep is great to have before class.
4. Set more than one alarm clock.
One on your phone and one on an alarm clock across your room so you have to get out of bed to cut it off. (This one saved me from missing my 8 a.m. more than once.)
5. Even on the days that you don’t have an early morning class, try to wake up earlier than lunch time.
It seriously helps you on the mornings you do have an early morning class.
6. ALWAYS go to class.
You are paying tons of money for these classes, why not get your use out of them?
7. Homework is a must!
Always do your homework ahead of time so you will always have it handy.
8. Utilize the library, writing center, tutor groups and all the other hundred sources established to help you.
9. Always keep an updated planner!
Planners are a really handy utensil to keep around.
10. Make a friend in every single class.
11. Never be afraid to ask for help!
We were all new to college at some point!
12. Become friends with your professors.
They are there to help you, so talk to them and ask as many questions in class as possible.
13. Eat in the cafeteria as much as you can when it is actually edible.
Restaurants are expensive. Even McDonald's adds up!
14. Never ever go to the grocery store when you are hungry.
You will buy way more than you could ever eat.
15. The “Freshman 15” is REAL.
Utilize your campus gym, exercise classes and the beautiful campus you have to run on! You will want to stay as healthy as possible. It is also a good stress reliever to work out.
16. Don’t be afraid to try new activities or things with friends!
17. Take SO many pictures and videos.
You will be glad you did when you’re going through them all the time and smiling.
18. Take a couple of days each month where you do absolutely nothing but sit in your PJ's, Netflix binge and order takeout with a couple of friends.
19. Take a break from studying for midterms and finals and take that random Walmart or Waffle House trip.
You won’t regret it.
20. Have a thermometer, ibuprofen and the Dayquil/Nyquil pack handy.
Your first sickness away from home is the absolute WORST!
21. Call your parents often and don’t wait on them to call you.
They are missing you like crazy.
22. Go home and surprise your parents if you are able to.
They will spoil you like crazy when you do.
23. Enjoy this year because I promise it will be one of the best years of your life if you let it.
After all, you only get one freshman year!