The finale of the Korean drama "Guardian: The Lonely and Great God," more commonly known as "Goblin," saw the second highest ratings that any television drama has ever had. This drama will make you cry, laugh and relate.
So without further ado, here are 23 relatable "Goblin" moments:
1. When you don't fail that test you thought you did.
2. When your friend does something stupid and crazy.
3. When you make an awkward pose for a photo.
4. When your friend won't give you their food.
5. When you finally understand that one math concept. #enlightenment
6. When you judge someone...hard.
7. When you don't think before you speak and say something embarrassing.
8. When that one friend doesn't understand what you just repeated about a hundred times.
9. When you make an effort to look good before going out and ask your fashionista friend for advice.
10. When you walk by a class your friend is in.
11. When your friend wants your food, but you remember when they didn't want to share theirs.
12. When you see someone so physically attractive it hurts.
13. When you wake up and see yourself in the mirror.
14. When you eat a whole pint of ice yourself.
15. When your dad comes running into your room to ask you how to use an app on his iPhone.
16. When someone invades your personal bubble space.
17. When you have to pretend to laugh at a teacher's joke.
18. When you think back to that one embarrassing moment when you were young and want to smack yourself for it.
19. When you get back at your sibling for something they did to you and feel accomplished about it.
20. When you can't stop thinking about that one mistake you made on the test.
21. When your friend does something embarrassing, so you have to pretend you don't know them but at the same time want to slap them hard for it.
22. When you don't know how to ask someone out.
23. When you've got your friend's back. #bff
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