Many thoughts cross through the mind of Instagrammers whether it is toward their own or their follower's page. You are not alone with some of the crazy thought processes that Instagram causes you to have, I promise. I think that the number of filters might make our minds a little delusional. Here a few thoughts we're all guilty of having while on Instagram.
1. I wonder what filter they used?
There is a constant, never ending struggle to pin point which filter your friend used, or which filter makes you look the most on fleek at any given moment.
2. Puppy!
Everybody has at least one person that they are following whose puppy has taken over their Instagram. Those people are special. Those people are blessed.
3. I want that outfit.
We've all experienced the moments when we wish we had a classmate's entire closet as we look at all of her adorable outfits while stalking her page.
4. How did she get so tan?
Is that a fake tan, or did she really get that tan over spring break?
5. How many more couple pictures will I see?
Okay, we get it, you have been dating for seven months. Thank you for the weekly update, #MCM.
6. Her makeup is on point.
Can I Youtube how she contours?
7. Did I accidentally like that post from 17 weeks ago?
Whoops. I may have just liked a post from 2013, but I am going to keep scrolling deeper anyway.
8. How did I get to my best friend's cousin's ex-wife's instagram page?
Do I even know this person? No. Do I still continue to creep on their page? Of course.
9. Whose house did they have the party?
You feel like a detective when you secretly look into the background of the pictures of your friends at the party from the night before to find out where the party was held.
10. You're basic, you're basic, and you’re basic
We've all seen it: the same picture with the same caption posted by everyone from "that one" friend group.
11. They went out without me!
You feel a little left out when you see that all of your friends went on a GNO without you.
12. Quotes from Google.
I know that quote is from Google because I found it there in seventh grade.
13. I wonder if I could do that to my hair?
Her hair looks so good and complicated. How does she do it?
14. Their Instagram is artsy.
The constant wish that your page could give off the hip, college kid vibe rather than selfies solely with your cat.
15. Are they really dating?
Going through the depths of Instagram to figure out if your ex is really dating the girl he told you never to worry about.
16. What restaurant are they at?
You get a strong desire to visit a restaurant based solely on how good their food looks on Instagram.
17. Aw, that's cute.
There's always one really adorable post that makes your heart happy.
18. Do I like the picture, or do I not?
The struggle of trying to figure out if you should like a picture or not, seeing as though that person already has over 200 likes.
19. Should I post something, or is it too soon?
Constantly debating if two days is a long enough gap between posting pictures.
20. Too many filter options!
Never being able to narrow down what filter you like best for that photo, so you screenshot and ask your friend to help.
21. What should I caption this?
Should I use a catchy saying, a quotation or emojis? The options are endless.
22. I'm deleting this if I don't get enough likes.
The amount of likes a picture gets within an hour is a life or death situation. Trust me.
23. I've wasted an hour of my life.
Wow, I really procrastinated way too much. It's time to go back to a filter-less reality.