It’s spring time, and that means it’s time for spring cleaning, and that includes your closet. Every year, I personally look forward to switching out my winter clothes for my spring/summer clothes because I love the idea of be able to final wear all my tank tops, dresses, and shorts. Sometimes when I’m reaching for my clothes though I find something that I haven’t seen in probably a year, or something I completely forgot I owned. Then I will find something that wouldn’t go with anything in my current wardrobe and I will spend many minutes deciding whether or not I should get rid of it. If you tend to think the same thing, here are some thoughts you might also have when spring cleaning your closet.
1. Finally, I can get rid of all these heavy clothes.
2. Why do I own so many clothes?
3. Wait, I still own this t-shirt?
4. What was the last time I wore this?
5. I don't think I've warn this in over a year.
6. I should get rid of it then, it is my rule after all.
7. What if I want to start wearing it again though?
8. This doesn't even match my current style though.
9. I guess I can save these for when I'm cleaning or painting or something.
10. Why did I hold onto these pants for so long?
11. These probably don't even fit me anymore.
12. Why do I even own this color?
13. Doesn't *insert name* own this too?
14. What was I thinking when I bought this?
15. I own way too many shoes.
16. Why do I own so many pair of heels?
17. You can never own too many shoes right?

18. Is there a hole in this shirt?19. So, do I really get rid of this?
20. Just get rid of it already!
21. I should donate these clothes.
22. I need to clean out my wardrobe more often.
23. I'm only going to buy new clothes sooner or later, right?
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