Traveling is a great time to think about philosophical questions that challenge the reality or to just contemplate some of your life decisions while listening to your favorite playlist without being bothered. However, juggling the workload is not the most exciting thing to look forward to. Commuting to college is a challenge when it comes to:
1. Waking up extra early hours before the class to make it on time (Those one or two hours of extra sleep would be fantastic. But oh well.)
2. Not knowing what to do on campus during those big breaks between classes.
3. Every day feels like a Monday.
4. Missing out on the “college experience”.
5. When people ask you where you live on campus.
Me: "I don’t. I commute."
Them: "Aww, that's OK."
6. When everyone's stories start with “so my roommates and I...” and you can't relate.
7. When being involved in extracurricular activities and clubs is a hassle because most things start after 8 P.M.
8. You have to travel all the way back home, which is a major waste of time.
9. Not getting to see your friends as much as you would like to.
10. Spending time with your significant other and/or your friends becomes a challenge due to the busy schedule and the constant commute.
11. Always trying to find a comfy place where you can nap.
12. And when you come back home after a long day, there's barely any time to study because you are dead inside.
13. But guess what? The next day, you start all over again.
But commuting is not all that bad; there are some pros about commuting too, like:
14. You come home to your own bathroom that you don’t have to share with many people.
You finally realize the value of those long showers.
15. And comfy bed waiting for you when you get home!
Nothing can beat this, without a doubt!
16. You appreciate the little time you get with your friends whenever you see them.
17. You save money in the long-run.
18. You get to be with your furry pets.
It can't get better than that.
19. There is no better place than home.
20. You get to eat healthy, home food.
21. You learn to manage your time really well.
At least on most days...