Sunday: the worst day of the week. We procrastinate a weekend's full of work until the last day possible, for whatever reason that may be, and then spend all day doing work that could have easily been done little by little.
1. Water, water, I need water.
Saturday night fun does not always carry over to a fun Sunday morning.
2. I had too much fun last night, now it is time to get productive.
Work hard, play hard, am I right?
3. How is it already 11:30?
No way I am going to be able to go to bed early with all of the work I have to get done today.
4. Maybe I should start on the laundry?
How many times have I worn this shirt?
5. No, I will save that for later tonight.
As long as it gets done before bed, does it really matter?
6. Okay, so I'll make a to do list to make sure I get everything done.
This way I can't forget anything...
7. Before I start working, maybe I should eat first?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
8. And maybe watching a little TV while I eat is okay.
Just for like 20 minutes.
9. Crap. I just ended up procrastinating even more.
Time to actually get work done.
10. I completed one of my tasks, I should get a reward right?
I'm just going to lay down for like 10 minutes.
11. Crap, I accidentally just took a two hour nap.
This was definitely not on the to-do list.
12. Okay, now it is time to actually get work done, no more slacking off.
I have already wasted enough time.
13. Wait, what if I start laundry to give my brain a break.
It is on my to-do list.
14. The kitchen could also use some cleaning.
The weekend was not kind to my apartment.
15. Stop procrastinating your homework!!!
So much to do, so little energy.
16. Okay, now that my homework is all done, time to relax and take another nap
A nap is what I deserve after all that hard work.
17. Dinner time!
Ramen it is.
18. Wow, it is already 7? Better finish that laundry.
19. TV time, just for a little bit.
After the hard working day I have had, I deserve it after all.
20. I did not mean to watch Netflix for 5 hours
Someone teach me self control.
21. I guess I should go to bed now
Mondays suck as it is, even more so when tired.
22. *About to fall asleep and realizes I forgot to complete an assignment*