Mothers. You love them, you hate them (not really), you end up growing up to be just like them. But, when in college, your relationship with them grows to another level. You need them in a totally different way, you are no longer dependent on them, but you still have things that only they can answer.
1. What is my social security number again?
2. How do I fill the insurance form out at the doctor? Have I ever had the chicken pox?
3. How do I cook that dish again? I need every single step, please
4. Say, for instance, I washed a red with my whites, how do I get that out?
5. Remind me again why I am in college?
6. Can you transfer me some money?
7. Last time I promise, but can you transfer me money just one more time?
8. Can I have this dress? It is really cute on, pinky swear.
9. Can you please call the doctor to schedule my appointment?
10. What aisle is *insert food item* on in the grocery store?
11. So, I am coughing and sneezing and I am in the medicine aisle at CVS, what should I buy?
12. I know I am like 20-something, but can you help me with the laundry again?
13. Hey, mom, I'm walking to class alone and don't want to look like a loner so hey, how's your day?
14. So I got a stain on my favorite shirt for the 14th time, how do I get that out?
15. Is it bad if I eat mac 'n' cheese for every meal?
16. OK, so *insert food product* expired a week ago, can I still eat it?
17. Oh my gosh, did you see *insert person* is engaged/having a baby??
18. What is the Amazon login again?
19. Can you send me a pic of the dog, please?
20. Is it really that bad if I drop out of college?
21. Hey, what should I eat for dinner?
22. I'm having a nervous breakdown, hope you have a few hours to talk. No? Well too bad *talks for four hours about stupid professors and hating college*
23. Hey, mom, have I told you lately that you're the best and I love ya?
SEE ALSO: 9 White Lies All College Student Tell Their Parents
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