I live my life today following a few pieces of advice that I believe make my life better. If I could go back and begin following them earlier in my life, I truly believe I could have saved myself a great deal of heartbreak and I could have enjoyed far more good times.
1. Some people aren’t meant to be in your life and that’s okay.
2.You don’t have to be liked by everyone.
3. The only opinions of you that matter are the ones in which you allow to matter.
4.You do not have to justify your decisions to anyone.
5. Walk away when a relationship no longer serves you or brings you joy.
6. Your mistakes do not define you.
7. Just because you love someone does not mean that they are good for you.
8. It is okay to outgrow people.
9. It is never too late to make a change for the better.
10. Never let someone tell you they don’t want you twice.
11. You can always come home.
12. Family over everything.
13. Never abandon friends for a significant other.
14. Don’t lose sight of what you want.
15. Hold on to your values regardless of anyone’s words or actions.
16. Remember where you come from.
17. Never treat anyone as your lesser.
18. Treat others the way you wish the person before had treated you.
19. Love unconditionally.
20. Forgive always.
21. Stay humble.
22. Be kind.
23. Live in the moment.
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