As a big sibling, there are a few things you know to be true. And, while they might drive you crazy, you also recognize that without your siblings, your life would be a whole lot less interesting.
1. They steal attention away from you... and you hate them for it.
You are no longer your parents' focus. After all, you are older and a little more prepared to handle the world.
2. When they are little, they love playing with your toys.
If you are playing with it, they have to also. (I vaguely recall a traumatic afternoon where my slinky was retired after being shared with my little brother.)
3. You are no longer everyone's favorite.
I don't know what it is, but there seems to be an aura around younger siblings. They're prettier and nicer and all-around more likable than you. Chalk it up to the tendency for middle children to be the golden children.
4. Every time you go out to play as a child, you are roped into bringing your siblings with you.
5. When they were getting on your nerves, you might have tried to get back at them...
Admit it, we've all been there.
6. ... and then tried to hide it from your parents.
"Please don't tell mom. Shhhh, shhhh; you're okay. Stop crying, please."
7. You have to do extra chores sometimes.
You're assured that it's just because you're older. "Besides, they'll have to do extra chores when they get older."
8. The rules always seem to be stricter on you.
You are your parents' guinea pig, as the cliche would have it.
9. Your siblings are forever known as "_____'s younger sister/brother."
They hate it. You consider it repayment for all your hardships.
10. You create a niche for yourself, and, more often than not, your siblings have to find their own place to shine.
No one wants to spend their whole life in someone else's shadow.
11. Every time your sibling brings home a new friend or significant other, you are judging the newbie.
This new person had best be good enough for your sibling. Otherwise, they won't be around for too long.
12. If anyone else tries to mess with your sibling, they've got to go through you first.
Only you are allowed to pick on your sibling.
13. When you get older and your parents can't help with homework, you are a tutor.
You become an expert in Algebra and English.
14. Likewise, when you get your license, you are a chauffeur.
You know when all of their practices are.
15. They try to steal the front seat, but that is YOUR territory.
They learn not to mess with your designated spot in the car.
16. Any time you outgrow something as a child, your younger siblings get hand-me-downs.
17. But as you get older, you can nab some of their clothes too.
Because your sibling's sweatshirts, flannels, etc. always seem to be comfier than yours.
18. You know when your sibling is upset.
It's like a built-in therapist. Anytime they are upset, they have you to make them feel better.
19. You can always count on them to grab food or a movie with you if your plans fall through.
20. When you leave for college, it seems like the family is falling apart.
You brave the tear-soaked hugs and frequent phone calls until they realize you haven't left forever.
21. They start to feel like your children.
You've watched them grow up and had a role in shaping them into who they are. Sometimes you forget that you aren't their parent.
22. You spend the first several years of your time together as sworn enemies.
They steal your food, your attention, your toys.
23. But eventually, you realize that you would be lost without your best friend(s)-- your sibling(s).
At the end of the day, being a big sibling is one of the biggest joys and honors of your life. You can't imagine having anyone as incredible as your best friend.