My grandmother will be 94-years-old in December. Although she is 94 she is far from average. My grandma is still able to walk without any assistance, cook dinner for her family every night, rake the leaves, shovel the Wisconsin snow, go shopping just for fun and do just about anything else life throws her way.
"Grandma Chic," as she is so lovingly referred to by myself and those who meet her, has lived more life than anyone I know. Being born in 1922, she was raised during the Great Depression, sent her newlywed husband off to defend the country in World War II, witnessed the Civil Rights Movement in its entirety, listened to the music of the British Invasion, and has experienced deep loss when her husband passed away after almost 45 years of marriage. Grandma Chic has watched her family grow from a small group of Czechoslovakian immigrants to a large, loving family full of sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren all spread across the United States.
Grandma Chic was born on December 7, 1922. In honor of her birth year, I have compiled a list of 22 things everyone can learn from Grandma Chic (complete with quotes, stories and general lessons).
1. Don't take yourself too seriously.
You are not the most important thing in the world.
2. Family is the most important thing in the world.
Grandma Chic spends her time evenly divided with her three children who live all across the United States.
3. "Don't ever go to sleep angry with anyone"-- Grandma Chic
It's better to swallow your pride and apologize-- even if you aren't wrong.
4. Never argue with your spouse.
If you find yourself upset with your spouse think about it, but don't bring it up until you are not angry.
5. Shopping for others is more rewarding than shopping for yourself.
Shopping is Grandma Chic's favorite hobby-- I know because every time she visits me she dons me with all of the things she just "picked up" for me.
6. "Just be happy."-- Grandma Chic
Life is 20% circumstance and 80% attitude. There is always something to be happy about- just ask Grandma Chic and she will give you a list.
7. Talk about how much you love your spouse.
In a world full of broken homes and marriages be thankful if you have someone who loves you and treats you well. Tell other people about your loving relationship. There is hope for loving, faithful marriages.
8. Treat everyday like it is your last.
When Grandma Chic says goodbye she hugs extra tight, says "I love you" more times than can be counted, and looks deeply into the eyes of the person she is saying goodbye to in order to make sure she remembers the moment. I used to think her goodbye ritual was over-the-top, but I'm starting to realize that life is not promised to us-- some people walk out of our lives and others we lose unexpectedly. There is no way to know if saying goodbye to someone could be the last time you have with them.
9. "Age is just a number. You really are as young as you feel."-- Grandma Chic
When asked my grandma claims to feel, "only sixty or so."
10. Don't lie.
"Little white lies don't count."-- Grandma Chic
11. Giving of your time is just as important as giving of your money.
Grandma Chic has given all of her time to doing things for others. She made 400 wedding favors (at her current age) by hand for my wedding as well as adding thousands of crystals to my dress. She sewed my mother's wedding dress from scratch. She has never missed any important event in her children's or grandchildren's lives.
12. "Stay true to yourself."-- Grandma Chic
Follow your heart and love deeper than you think you can.
13. Don't overeat.
Only eat as much as you need.
14. Always be kinder than you actually want to be.
I have never (not even one time) seen Grandma Chic be unkind.
15. Be a good listener.
Grandma Chic has been known to listen for up to 4 hours to her granddaughter talk about middle school crushes, homecoming dances and friend troubles.
16. Be a hard worker.
Do everything you do to the best of your ability and do it out of love.
17. Enjoy the little things in life.
If sitting outside under a willow tree makes you smile then sit under that tree as often as you can.
18. "Stay healthy and happy."-- Grandma Chic
This is Grandma Chic's favorite quote and also how she concludes all of the encouraging letters she sends her family.
19. You can't ever say "I love you" too many times.
Especially at the end of phone calls. Grandma Chic will keep repeating "Goodbye, I love you" until the other person hangs up the phone. Her family and friends are never wondering if they are loved.
20. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
It really is as simple as that.
21. Laugh at yourself
Bonus points if your smile and laugh is as beautiful as Grandma Chic's.
22. Be open to trying new things.
Like snapchat. Snapchat is fun. Grandma Chic especially likes the hippie filter.
My grandma's physical abilities are amazing, her experience of history is amazing, but the thing that makes Grandma Chic the most wonderful is her outlook on life. Grandma Chic is known for her smile and optimism, her laugh, and her servant's heart. She loves with a love that is hard to find in the heart of a person regardless of age. She finds humor in everything and has been known to laugh at the same small story for days on end. Any person who has lived as much life as my grandmother is worth listening to, but Grandma Chic is worth modeling your life after. Love you, Grams.
"If you find yourself wanting to frown just stand on your head and you will be smiling."--Grandma Chic