Ah yes, summer is finally upon us. After waiting for this moment all spring semester, we are finally experiencing long, lazy summer days with temperatures reaching up to the nineties and the sun smiling down at us. Now that you've finally reached this moment of relaxing bliss, what are you going to do? Between summer jobs and internships, there are times in the summer where it has the potential to be boring. Never fear!
1. Go hiking!
2. Start a new video game
3. Make a goal to read a certain number of books and smash it.
4. Check out small towns in your area
5. Head out to your local festivals
6. Sign up for a 5k or an obstacle race to train for all summer
7. Volunteer
8. Embark on adventures
9. Start that new show everyone is talking about
10. De-clutter your life by donating old clothes and knick knacks
11. Try new, local restaurants
12. Stargaze
13. Bake something you pinned from Pinterest or found on Facebook
14. Have a picnic with your friends
15. Plan or go to a bonfire
16. Go to a concert
17. Road trip to a different state for a weekend
18. Go for long walks in your neighborhood
19. Do the touristy activities in your county
20. Play manhunt with a group of your friends
21. Host a barbecue
22. Attend a drive-in movie
23. Go to a dance club
Summer is a time for taking a break from the chaos found in the fall and spring semester. It's a season of being relaxed and just doing whatever you please whether it be working to get back all the money lost from the school year, gain valuable experience at an internship, or just doing absolutely nothing.