23 Things Dyslexics Can Relate To | The Odyssey Online
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23 Things Dyslexics Can Relate To

Dyslexic or not, these 23 things can be relatable on a whole different level.

23 Things Dyslexics Can Relate To
Huffington Post

We've all had our troubles with languages whether it's English, Chinese, Spanish etc. Maybe it's because of sleep deprivation as our bleary eyes droop and misread things, trying to comprehend a simple text sent at 3 AM. Or maybe a reading passage on a test is overwhelming and it's impossible to answer all the comprehension questions in the last 20 minutes of class. But with dyslexia the struggles are on a whole new level, kind of like playing the game of life on "difficult" mode—but not "impossible" mode.

Dyslexia is not only a reading disability but it can also affect writing, spelling and even speaking. It crawls into every aspect of our lives, forcing us to double check every thing we do and be wary. These 23 things that dyslexics can relate to are not only hilarious but highlight the true struggles that we deal with every day. But love us for who we are, what we are capable of and maybe we won't "accidentally" misspell something on your next birthday card.

1. Accidentally giving someone the wrong address.

They were goners anyways. Isn't Google Maps more reliable these days?

2. And phone numbers.

Guess you won't be getting a call or text back anytime soon.

3. Don't forget emails too.

Why even bother? The more random numbers and letters your email has, the more likely I won't email you.

4. Entering information wrong online.

This one is self explanatory, redoing things online is the worst because of one mistake such as a single missed digit on when entering your credit card number. Curse these numbers!

5. Misreading signs and directions.

Just give me one more chance, I swear I know where we're going.

6. Trying to learn a new language and failing—horribly.

English is overrated anyways. *shrug*

7. Struggling with dates, especially in history class.

Which came first, the Aztecs or Oxford University? (Oxford University actually was officially established in 1249 while the Aztec Empire was established in 1325 with Tenochtitlan)

8. Reading the bill and/or price wrong.

Please double check for me. I think using my card is better than counting cash and coins. Let the endless swiping of plastic cards commence.

9. Going over what you say in your head so you don't mess up.

But you still mess up anyways and people make fun of you. Time to never speak again.

10. When people think that your hilarious mistakes are Freudian Slips but it's actually just dyslexia.

Like, can you not?

11. Having ridiculously illegible handwriting.

My dreams of doing pretty calligraphy were long gone from the moment I failed my third grade cursive writing tests. And shout outs to all the teachers who called me up so I could read my illegible handwriting on classwork out loud to them for full credit.

12. Relying on Spellcheck all the time.

Spellcheck and autocorrect are your best friends despite the fact that they also make pretty dumb mistakes.

13. Buying wrong clothing.

When did a M become a W for women's? I don't have time to return this so might as well wear this then. #AndrogynousFashion

14. Not being able to read subtitles fast enough for subbed movies.

I'll love every dubbed movie no matter how bad it is. God bless these voices.

15. Endless creativity and talents! People always think that you're on something at least though.

No we (normally) don't do drugs but hell yes these are our amazing ideas. Feel free to use them. And we know, we're pretty cool.

16. Struggling with time management.

"I swear it was 10 minutes ago..." Time flies by pretty slow when you're forced to read a book. Or if you're in class. Or at work. Staring at the clock won't help at all anyways.

17. Reading out loud.

18. Being asked "how do you see and read things" ALL. THE. TIME.

Refer to this and this if you're curious about how dyslexics see the world.

19. Captchas with letters and numbers.

"I swear I'm not a robot. How many times did I do this thing?"

20. Having above average typing skills because you'd rather type than write with your illegible handwriting.

We type faster as well but are more prone to mistakes. But Spellcheck is our best friend so it all works out in the end.

21. Zoning out often because the world within your head is a better reality.

Reality sucks! I'd rather be daydreaming about that cute neighbor and their dog or a fantasy blog about beautiful unicorns. Either works.

22. Checking your writing or math and realizing that you made way more mistakes than you really thought.

Why is life so cruel.

23. People think that you're dumb but you actually just don't try because it's too much effort.

*Shrugs again* Life is too short to care about it (in a way) and there are better things to focus on. Love who you are and be proud of what you have accomplished so far as well.

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