Growing up in an Italian- American household is an experience like no other. Of course, there are struggles and joys of being a part of this culture. And a lot of pasta.
1. When you walk into the house, you are greeted as if you haven't been home in ten years (even if it's only been two days).
2. Introducing a S.O. to the family is a huge deal.
You have to warn them about your crazy uncle and explain to them that no, we aren't mad at each other, we just talk that loudly. Flowcharts may be necessary.
3. You become hard of hearing at a very young age because you are used to people constantly yelling in daily conversation.
4. You have multiple family members named Sal, Domenic, Vincenzo, and Frank.
5. At some point in your life, you have been convinced that your family is a part of the Mafia.
And you still secretly hope they are.
6. Thanksgiving is the only holiday where Italian food is not the main food served.
7. Low carb diets are never an option.
Good luck being gluten free in an Italian family.
8. There is no such thing as a small meal.
9. Or a small family gathering.
10. When your friends come over, they are asked a minimum of twelve times if they are hungry.
11. There is never a gathering that does not revolve around food.
12. Of course, you talk with your hands.
13. Underage drinking? You've been having wine with your grandparents since you were 13.
14. Saying hello/ goodbye takes an hour in itself.
15. The wooden spoon.
Need I say more?
16. You've learned to develop a thick skin.
But you know that everything is said out of love.
17. Delivery pizza will never be as good as homemade.
18. And going out for Italian food is always disappointing.
19. There are traditions that your friends will never understand.
For example, cutlet night is planned weeks in advance and is a whole day affair.
20. "I can't, it's spaghetti night."
21. Soccer will always be better than football.
22. Canned marinara sauce is the devil's food.
23. You wouldn't have it any other way.
And you can't wait to raise your own family in the same traditions.