Being a third culture kid is one of the greatest treasures but also one of the greatest hardships. No one else quite understands what it's like to live away from their home country constantly, but here are 24 feelings your can definitely relate to.
1. The concept of home is not normal.
Whether it be your "passport country" or your recent move, all you know for sure is home is where the people you love are.
2. You are at least bilingual.
You are always taking classes in another language. And since you're learning the local language, you'll most likely find yourself mixing your native tongue with the local slang.
3. Your passport is filled with stamps from all over the world.
The list of countries you've visited is without a doubt in the double-digits.
4. When someone tells you they've never been out of the country.
"Oh, well I've been to the U.S. side of Niagara Falls!"...
5. You like to believe you've mastered jet lag.
Who are we kidding. We'd like to think we've mastered the art, but in reality we're falling asleep in class the day we come back from a trip.
6. You're a master at packing the night before your flight.
Even though you promise yourself you'll pack two days earlier, you end up pulling an all-nighter the night before you depart. You try and convince yourself that you'll make it up by sleeping on the plane, but we all know that never happens.
7. You don't know what team to cheer for during the Olympics or a World Cup.
You feel pressure from all corners to root for a certain team. But as a TCK (third culture kid), you feel love for all the countries you have a connection to. Go sports!
8. You're always logged onto Skype.
You're always ready to chat with people you miss. No matter what time zone they're in. And yes, this includes your pets.
9. "So your family is from South America, but you lived in Japan and you're an American?"
You know you're life doesn't really make sense, so you don't really bother to give the whole explanation all the time.
10. When someone tells you they've never moved.
How?! You are in a state of confusion and also slightly curious as to what that life is like.
11. Falling in love with a cuisine that's not from your home country.
Ramen, Pad Thai, you name it, I love it.
12. "Family meeting! We're moving again..."
You were finally just getting used to your new 'home,' the last thing you want to do is start all over.
13. When you board a 10-hour flight and the TV screen is broken.
You know you will not sleep. How are you supposed to endure this flight?!
14. You have approximately eight different clocks on your MacBook Dashboard.
Because although you have memorized the time differences, it's nice to have a digital reminder.
15. Your anxiety level rises when you are asked for a permanent address.
"What do I do?!" This question is a permanent reminder as to how mobile your life truly is.
16. You embrace change.
The world is truly a beautiful place. You feel #blessed to have met so many amazing people and have learned to respect so many cultures.
17. You get early 'Happy Birthday' posts on Facebook from your friends in other countries.
You feel extra popular with all of these people wishing you a great day before it even starts.
18. The end of the school year sucked because half of your friend group moved away.
Knowing your life though, your paths will cross before you know it.
19. "Where was your favorite place to live?"
Please. I cannot even begin to answer that question.
20. You always miss someone.
All you want sometimes is to be with the people who are 6,000 miles away. Living so far can get lonely sometimes.
21. When your parents fly to Hawaii a week before your spring break.
How is this fair? Please come back and take me to cool places when I have a break from school.
22. When you reunite with your friends from elementary school.
Because let's be real, it's as if nothing changed.
23. You wouldn't change your experiences for the world.
No matter how far or how many places your life has taken you, you wouldn't trade your life for anything. Here's to continuing to explore the world.