September 13th may seem like a normal day for some. But, if you're a big fan of One Direction, you know that day is when Niall James Horan will be turning 23-years-old. In my opinion, his birthday is basically a holiday that the whole, entire world should celebrate. So, here are 23 reasons to love the spunky, Irish kid we call Nialler.
1. His laugh.
If you've never heard Niall laugh, I honestly feel sorry for you. It will brighten your day. I promise.
2. His smile.
3. His caring personality that makes a difference in the world.
From raising awareness for Red Nose Day to selling t-shirts for The Kate and Justin Rose Foundation and the Irish Autism Action, Niall works to make this world a better place.
4. His love for golf.
He literally setup a golf management company with Modest! during his hiatus free time. Golf is more than just a hobby.
5. His "Oh No, Niall!" incident that he will never live down. ![]()
He was just trying to be a caddy for his buddy, Rory McIlroy, at the Master's when he took a fall. This could easily be my favorite Niall Horan moment of all time.
6. His love for football.
I think he would cry if you asked him to choose between football or golf.
7. His amazing voice.
That little, Irish boy can sing like no other.
8. His solo in "Little Things" that can make a grown man cry.
Legit, I've seen men cry tears over this song. Niall makes us all emotional. It's fine.
9. His "you sing" part he adds during "Little things" at concerts.
I'm getting emotional just thinking about it.
10. His love for live crowds.
He loves every, single minute of it and puts on the best shows ever.
11. His guitar playing skills.
I actually almost passed out after watching this GIF. He's so beautiful and talented.
12. His little jump thing he does during concerts.
And he wonders why he had to have knee surgery.
13. His attempt at dancing.
A world without Niall Horan dancing is a world I don't want to live in.
14. His "hip thrust".![]()
I literally died when I saw this in concert. I'm still not over it.
15. His care-free attitude.
He doesn't care what others think. He's Niall Horan, and he's going to have fun, with or without you.
16. His sassiness (when needed).
He doesn't get sassy often, but when he does, WATCH OUT.
17. His Snapchats.
Stop what you're doing and add him as a friend immediately.
18. His love for children.
Niall Horan will be such a great dad someday.
19. His passion for food.
Literally, I'm Niall Horan everyday of my life. Food is good.
20. His friendship with the boys of One Direction.
They aren't just friends; They are brothers.
21. His ability to never be serious.
He makes any bad day good.
22. His passion for being Irish.
Sometimes, he makes me wish I was Irish.
23. His overall gratitude, kindness, generosity, and love towards his fans.
Niall James Horan is one of the kindest humans on this planet, and I'm so very lucky to be one of his millions of fans.
So, happy 23rd birthday to the one and only, Niall James Horan. There is no one else on this planet that could compare to him. I've been a fan of his for six years now, and I'll be a fan for the rest of my life. There are not a whole lot of people that I would buy concert tickets for year after year or drive thirteen hours to see. But, he never disappoints. From myself personally and all of your Directioners out there, happy birthday, Nialler!