I'll get right to it, because I literally can't wait:
1. Seeing my family
2. Seeing my dogs/puppy cuddles
3. Smelling that unique “home” smell that everyone’s house has
4. Getting snowed in, making hot chocolate, sitting by the fireplace (it’s not quite the same when I get snowed in at my apartment because obviously there’s no fireplace)
5. My mom’s amazing cooking!
6. Gorging myself on Christmas cookies and other baked goods
7. Not having homework or responsibilities
8. Being able to go to church at least a couple of times
9. Catching up with high school friends
10. Having unlimited sister time
11. Going to the movies
12. Sleeping in my queen-sized bed and super soft comforter
13. Being able to wear my sister’s clothes, and my mom’s jewelry & shoes. I hate only having my own wardrobe to wear at school
14. My mom making me tea because I suck at it
15. Having places to relax other than my bed and the one couch we have in our apartment
16. Being done thesis
17. Being able to ask Dad why my car has been making that weird noise
18. Dad being able to tell me when I need to put air in my tires/have my oil changed/etc.
19. Getting/decorating our Christmas tree
20. Giving my awesome gifts to my family (and getting them, duh)
22. Watching TV on our big flat screen instead of on my laptop
23. Did I say dog cuddles?!
I could keep going but I want to go take a nap so I’m gonna stop here—can't wait to be home next week!!