23 Rational & Irrational Fears Almost All Young Adult Women Share
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23 Rational & Irrational Fears Almost All Young Adult Women Share

Spiders may give you a moment's panic, but here is a list of a few things you may be afraid of if you've ever been a woman.

23 Rational & Irrational Fears Almost All Young Adult Women Share
DreamWorks Pictures

We all have fears — some of them make sense and others manifest as dream clown snakes. Unfortunately for us, women actually have a lot of similar fears. The irrational ones may just refer to a specific few (mainly me), but the rational ones have touched all of us. And as we can all attest, unwanted touching is certainly something to be afraid of.

1. Irrational: poking an eye out with mascara

All makeup utilizing women know the feeling - particularly while applicating in a moving vehicle. There's nothing quite so scary as getting a bunch of inky black liquid in your eye. Suddenly, the mirror shows a black-eyed demon. Plus there's the split second of being certain that you've gone blind. It's enough to make us fear an actual self eye-gouging.

2. Rational: the night

This is one that a lot of men still don't seem to completely grasp. If we are walking outside at night, we will be afraid. Even if we are with a man or a group of people, we will be afraid. It is literally ingrained in our psyche. But there is perhaps nothing worse than walking alone at night and seeing a lone man. No matter his age, race, size, or dress - it doesn't matter. If you're alone and you see a man - you will be afraid. Yes, this is messed up. Absolutely, most of these men are just walking to their cars like you. Unfortunately, not all of them are. The scary thing is that this isn't just some 'chance in hell' meeting with a creepy man. Almost all of us have actually encountered a man while alone at night who has tried to talk to us.

This fear is not one that has been placed there by our parents telling us to be careful, it's been placed there by experience. We've all had a man start to follow us. We've had a man honk his horn at us and pull over. We've had men call us garbled names and shout sexual slurs at us. All of which send our hearts into overdrive, forcing them to pump an excessive amount of adrenaline into our systems. It's not just fear of what could happen — it is literally the fear of death. Your body assumes the worst when something like this happens and it prepares for attack. And all of this happens - you guessed it, at night.

3. Irrational: popping one too many pimples

We've all seen crater faces full of pock marks, and we're certain that each new pimple could possibly lead to a full on "Nightmare on Elm Street" scenario.

4. Irrational: pink laundry

I'm struggling to see this one as irrational because it's just so REAL. I don't think a single one of us has escaped the scars that are put in place by accidentally putting a new red blouse in with all the white panties. There's nothing really quite so sad. It's not even a cute pink, it just looks like blotchy blood tears.

5. Rational: instant physical judgment

I am referring to the feeling of meeting a person for the first time and knowing that they are in fact judging how you look, no matter how nice they may be. You know this is happening because you do it to other women as well. Even if a person's looks don't matter to you. Even if you're the nicest person in the world - the first thing you notice when meeting a woman is her looks. That's just how it is. So you know that the person you're meeting is taking note of your size, your boobs, your butt, your hair and its subsequent care regiment, your complexion and your manner of dress.

Since all women are silently judging themselves on these points as well, you can picture what they might be noticing. They notice it all. You know it. And it scares you to no end to have that sort of eye on you. Meeting a man for the first time can be even worse - there's suddenly a sexual component. Whether you're worried that they won't find you sexually desirable, or you're worried that they'll find you too sexually desirable - it's clear that there's worry. And fear.

6. Irrational: scrubbing your hair so hard that it ruins your nails

There's nothing quite like a fresh set of nails with a glossy finish - perfectly trimmed and painted. And there really is nothing quite so devastating as realizing that the tips have flaked off in your hair whilst showering. It's enough to make us dry shampoo every day.

7. Rational: getting pregnant

I've never been pregnant, but I still know that be it expected or unexpected, wanted or unwanted, protected or unprotected, birth controlled or abstinent, we are all afraid of it. Whether you've been raped, been in close quarters with semen, been hanging out too often in a hot tub, or watching too much "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant," you're afraid. Even if you desperately want a child and have been trying for it, you're afraid. Because regardless of how it came about, you have to accept the idea that something is literally living inside you, sucking out your energy and food resources.

Until modern medicine came along in the past 100 years, women almost exclusively died in childbirth. It is safe to say that the evolutionary fear of having an "Alien"-esque, 10-pound screaming sack rip open your hoo-ha is actually something that we are still afraid of, even if we know we will survive. Then there's the added fear of having something happen to the baby — the idea that we will fail it somehow. Plus there's the fun morning sickness, irritability, largeness and general inability to function in a regular manner. And the hormones. Oh, the hormones. That's enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest of women.

8. Irrational: deodorant and lipstick stains

We all know the struggle of looking down only to see a giant white blotch on our favorite LBD. Perhaps an even greater fear is to spy a red lipstick shmear on a white dress when you don't have time to change.

9. Irrational: the full front button skirt

For those of us who have a skirt that buttons all the way down, there also comes the fun secret fear that someday we'll sit down, and they'll just all miraculously come undone. Then we'll be faced with a real life 'naked in class' nightmare. Same goes with dresses that zip all the way down.

10. Rational: the "when do you get off" guy

We all know the guy who talks to you while you're at work - be it a client, customer, or co-worker - and he makes you a little uncomfortable. Oh, he certainly hasn't done anything yet. He's been nothing but charm. But then he asks the dreaded "when do you get off" question, and you generally tell him - like an idiot. Your mind is already programmed to be excited about that moment when you're done working, so you spit it out - but now fear strikes you straight in the heart. What if he wasn't just making polite conversation? He's been overly friendly and already told you he thought you were good looking. He may be leaving now, but he might be staking out in his car. He's going to kidnap you. You will be forced into the sex trade. Your mind literally convinces itself that such a thing is going to happen. You even devise decoy plans in your head. You'll walk outside with someone. You'll walk just outside the door and scan every car before walking to yours. You'll have your pepper spray at the ready.

11. Irrational: your tampon will be stuck up there forever

The idea that you'll have to ask for help is legitimately horrifying. I remember it happened once on "Sex and the City," but I'm pretty sure Samantha Jones would not come to my rescue. They'd probably have to use the forceps on me.

12. Rational: you won't be taken seriously

This one may seem irrational at first glance, but it's a genuine fear. Particularly in the work place. There are so many ways in which women in the work place have been proven to be taken less seriously. Studies have been done that show men will literally stop listening to us once they hear a higher pitched voice. They'll immediately associate us with secretarial duties when they see a skirt, dress or anything that shows our cleavage, shoulders or thighs. Not only have superiors been shown to look down upon us, but customers and clients have as well.

People automatically distrust female authority. They will demand to speak to a different person on the phone or to have a new doctor. They'll assume they can talk down to us, give us 'assistance' or just be plain rude. They know that the customer is always right, especially with a woman. Not being taken seriously spans to just about all areas of our lives. We won't be trusted with money at the bank, we won't be sided with in a court room (unless it's over a child) and we simply will not be believed. This can be seen in just about every case of rape known to woman. Obviously, these things are not always true. But sadly, this is everyday life for a lot of people. We live in constant fear of such occurrences.

13. Irrational: striped legs.

If a girl tells you she's never missed a strip while shaving, she's such a liar. The greatest of fears comes from the idea that you will miss entire strips on your first post-winter shave, which will inevitably leave you looking like a zebra.

14. Rational: you'll make less money than your counterpart

A lot of you have accepted this idea, but you're still afraid of it. You know it's going to be okay if he (or she) makes more money than you - maybe he has a job that just rakes it in. But in the back of your overactive mind, you're afraid. You're afraid that when he makes more money than you, he'll feel like he owns you. Even if he's the love of your life. Even if you know he's the type of person who would never suggest any such thing. You're afraid that he'll look at you strangely if you buy a new pair of shoes. That he'll have it in his mind that you're less competent, or that he has to take care of you (from a financial standpoint). He'll think you're not as smart as him or fester feelings towards your mooching nature. Perhaps this one is actually more irrational than rational, but it's real for all of us.

15. Irrational: "Taken"

Maybe it's irrational to think that Liam Neeson will have to come save you from kidnappers every time you travel abroad, but it's also a valid fear because that shit happens all the time. We all think about it when we arrive in a new country.

16. Irrational: panty liner exposure

Panty liners are so freaking flimsy and they never really stay where they're supposed to. All you can think about when you're wearing a dress on your period is the inevitable embarrassment that would occur if it were to fall out.

17. Rational: breastfeeding

This one is going to be rough, and I mean literally. Breastfeeding will require a gummy mouth to bite you and it will be decidedly not awesome. When they refuse to bite you, you'll just have excruciating pain. Not only do you have lots of boob pain, but you have never-ending chafing and leakage. It all sounds terrifying to all of us. Then there is the societal side of breastfeeding. The idea that your child could be desperately hungry, you could have milk coursing down your body alongside almost unbearable pain, only to be told that the idea of your doing this is 'disgusting' and 'distracting' is awful. Trust me, if there was an easy way to do it quickly and discreetly, we would be doing it. We don't want you looking at our bare breasts any more than you do. Not to mention the fact that most women generally cover themselves in some way. So you could literally be looking at them and not see anything you don't wish to see. Having strangers call us out for it sounds terrifying. I definitely don't have a baby, but I know enough to be scared silly.

18. Irrational: the daddy issues effect

Even if you don't actually have daddy problems, you're kind of terrified that any bad vibes from that relationship will directly translate over to your dating life. Maybe he was disappointed that you never played golf with him — you will now be terrified of boys who wear polos. Maybe he called you lazy once - you now have an irrational fear of sleeping near your boyfriend. But in all seriousness, our subconscious is still very aware of Oedipus and Freud.

19. Irrational: stuck as homemaker

Even if all you've ever wanted was to be a homemaker, you may still have the fear that you'll be stuck as one forever, with no other options or ways to fill your time. Just the fact that the freedom of raking in dough is being replaced with baking it is enough to make many of us inexplicably afraid.

20. Rational: mansplaining

This one isn't so much a fear as an annoyance, and a big one it is too. What did you say? Stop whining about people who are just trying to be helpful? Unfortunately, there is a big difference between mansplainers and people who are actually being helpful. Here's a tip — maybe wait until a woman asks you for assistance before deciding she needs help. I'm not talking about chivalry - feel free to hold the door and be nice to us. If you feel like a woman might not understand a concept, take a step back before you decide to 'help'. And again, if she doesn't understand something, she will ASK. Please use common sense here.

21. Irrational: white pants period

If you've ever tried this, you are the bravest of souls. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

22. Rational: getting drugged

We all know the instantaneous creeping fear that comes with having someone kind of 'off' bring us a drink. Or that one-second lapse in judgment when you set your drink down. Everything will probably be fine though, right?

23. Ir/rational: the heterosexual male hegemony

Mainly, we're afraid of members of this particular group reading articles like this one and then thinking or saying that women really need to stop complaining about things. But check the title friend, we're not annoyed — we're afraid.

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