I just recently went on a plane ride to Disney world, for a trip that was just me and my mom. It has become a bit of a family tradition. Her mother took her, and mine took me. Sadly, the plane ride there we could not be seated together, so we made some question cards to answer. Being able to ask my mom some of these questions I have never asked before, it was great. I never understood all the information and the life of my mom that I had no idea about.
Here are some of the most important questions to ask your mom next time you talk.
1. Earliest childhood memory?
2. Best memory?
3. Worst memory?
4. Was there anything you wish you’d done differently?
5. What did you wish you did in your teenage years?
6. What is your biggest regret? Where did you travel?
7. Where did you wish to travel?
8. Favorite TV show?
9. Favorite Movie?
10. Best birthday? Why?
11. What was your first kiss?
12. First date?
13. What was your marriage proposal like?
14. Who would you say is your best friend?
15. What was your best subject in school?
16. Worst subject in school?
17. What were your hobbies?
18. What was your childhood like?
19. What do you love about your mom?
20. What would you like to change?
21. What is your best advice for me?
22. What do you hope for your future?
I hope these questions spark some very interesting conversations with your mom, whether you are close or not. Some information you can’t get anywhere else, I hope you all learn a lot!